Alexander Laszlo
Alexander Laszlo, Ph.D., is the 57th President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Director of the Doctoral Program in Leadership and Systemic Innovation at ITBA, Argentina, and former Director of the Doctoral Program in Management at the Graduate School of Business Administration & Leadership (EGADE-ITESM), Mexico. As Professor of Systems Science and Evolutionary Development, he currently teaches on evolutionary leadership, collaboration, and systems thinking at a variety of MBA and Doctoral programs internationally, and serves on the Honorary Board of Advisors of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA). He has worked for UNESCO, the Italian Electric Power Agency, and the U.S. Department of Education, has held visiting appointments with the London School of Economics and the European University Institute, and has been named a Level I Member of the National Research Academy of Mexico (SNI). He is on the Editorial Boards of five internationally arbitered research journals, recipient of the Gertrude Albert Heller Award, the Sir Geoffrey Vickers Memorial Award, and the Förderpreis Akademischer Klub award, author of over seventy journal, book, and encyclopedia publications, and a 5th Degree Black Belt of traditional Korean Karate.
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Books by Alexander Laszlo
How and where does systemic change manifest? How does it unfold? What are the leverage points, the forces and dynamics at play? What are the conditions for its empowerment and enablement? How do agency and structure come into the picture? We would like to look at the subject from various perspectives and disciplines, in research and praxis, exploring the visible and the invisible, space and time, unity and diversity, level and scale, movement and rhythm.
Available on print on demand.
Papers by Alexander Laszlo
How and where does systemic change manifest? How does it unfold? What are the leverage points, the forces and dynamics at play? What are the conditions for its empowerment and enablement? How do agency and structure come into the picture? We would like to look at the subject from various perspectives and disciplines, in research and praxis, exploring the visible and the invisible, space and time, unity and diversity, level and scale, movement and rhythm.
Available on print on demand.