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Budget and resource plan/2019

From Wikimedia Belgium
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This page describes the budget and resource plan for 2019 of Wikimedia Belgium (WMBE). This plan is needed to be able to plan and budget our activities for the coming year. It is also a prerequisite for our grant application at the Wikimedia Foundation and for good governance.


Line Line item name Subtotal APG APG External sponsorship Total budget
1 Project costs € 7000
1.1 Writing weeks program € 1650 € 5000 € 6650
1.2 GLAM program € 2950 € 5000 € 7950
1.3 Education program € 700 € 5000 € 5700
1.4 Wiki Loves program € 1700 € 5000 € 6700
2 Community support € 1000
2.1 General Assembly € 500 € 500
2.2 Wikimeets € 500 € 500
3 Capacity building € 4000
3.1 Board training € 2000 € 2000
3.2 Wikimedia training € 2000 € 5000 € 7000
4 Administration and services € 3000
4.1 Services € 800 € 800
4.2 Internet subscriptions € 700 € 700
4.3 Other costs € 1500 € 1500
5 Contingency € 1500
5.1 10% contingency fee WMF € 1500 € 1500
Total € 16500 € 16500 € 25000 € 41500

Main project APG costs


Writing weeks program

Line Line item name APG Description
1.1.1 Volunteer support travel € 400 Travel costs Wikipedia workshop for library staff as preparation of writing-weeks. Up to 4 training sessions can take place in the first writing weeks and up to 4 in the second writing weeks.
1.1.2 Volunteer support travel € 1250 Travel costs for volunteers that provide support at the multiple sessions during the writing-weeks. Up to 10 sessions can take place in the first writing weeks and 10 in second writing weeks, guided by one, two or more volunteers each.
Total € 1650

GLAM program

Line Line item name APG Description
1.2.1 Volunteer support travel for meetings € 2000 Estimated cost. 50 meetings with cultural institutions with one or more people from the community present.
1.2.2 Volunteer support travel for events € 950 Estimated cost. 20 meetings edit-a-thons and workshops with one or more people from the community present to support the participants
Total € 2950

Education program

Line Line item name APG Description
1.3.1 Travel cost for volunteers € 700 Travel costs for volunteers that go to the Wikipedia sessions with the students and preparational meetings with institutions. (About 18 meetups can take place, including meetings with educational institutions, colleges and training sessions.)
Total € 700

Wiki Loves program

Line Line item name APG Description
1.4.1 Prizes 350
1.4.2 Gifts for jury € 150
1.4.3 Travel expenses € 400 Travel expenses for jury and organisers
1.4.4 Closing event € 650
1.4.5 Other/unexpected costs € 150
Total € 1700

Community support

Line Line item name APG Description
2.1 General Assembly € 500 The APG costs of the General Assembly are for renting the venue, travel costs, some drinks/food, and other costs related to the general assembly.
2.2 Wikimeets € 500 Train tickets, bus, parking, car allowance, some drinks
Total € 1000

Capacity building

Line Line item name APG Description
3.1 Board training € 2000 Training for Board members.
3.2 Wikimedia training € 2000 Training for community members including course material.
Total € 4000

Board Training


Training for board members is really important since we need to develop a program and projects for our members. We need to learn how to create budgets, how to efficiently organise a meeting, how to take decisions, how to make financial reports, how to interact with institutions and government. We need to learn the legal requirements, and how to collaborate in a professional way in general.

Wikimedia training


We should organise decent Wikimedia training for the community members. How to write decent articles, how to comply with the free licenses how to support the Friendly space policy.

Administration and services


Those costs are mandatory, and directly related to legal and administrative obligations.

Line Line item name APG Description
4.1.1 Staatsblad € 200 Publication of statutes
4.1.2 VSDC membership € 100 Legal consulting
4.1.3 Insurance € 200 Accidents, board responsibility
4.1.4 Postal service € 200 Sending letters, post stamps
4.1.5 Taxes € 100 Government
Total € 800
Internet subscriptions
Line Line item name APG Description
4.2.1 Domain name Easyhost € 100 Effective costs
4.2.2 Website Easyhost € 100 Effective costs
4.2.3 Website One € 100 Effective costs
4.2.4 Maintenance website WMNL € 200 Effective costs
4.2.5 Mobile internet € 200 Effective costs
Total € 700

See also
