Wish ground beef was never invented. Literally only good and tolerable in crunchy tacos. Like oh yes! I love meat particles in my food! Delicious! There’s nothing better!
(person with normal hobbies and interests voice) hey do you guys wanna see some good screenshots from my screenshots folder
Well I guess good news is I’ll be speedrunning this other sitcom for Hot Man Only because it sucks ass
so hard not to become the most annoying person on earth if you're a little excitable and just learned a little about a topic literally no one around you has any interest in
pretentious moment incoming but why is everyone's idea of fashion so fucking boring these days. why the fuck did my manager just ask me "what's with the scarf". "what's with the scarf" fuck man do I need a reason to wear a faggy little scarf now? you could just say "nice scarf man". what's with your attitude