All Links
These are all the links to other websites of any kind that I've liked and want to share and promote. I started collecting these in 2025.
🔗 Scriptular
For years and years this has been my favourite JavaScript regular expressions editor and tester. Even today it helped me improve this very site!
🔗 WikiDates
A Hitster-like, Wordle-like web game but for real-life events, sourced from Wikipedia. Brilliant.
🔗 Navigating the web platform
Very useful collection of links for keeping track of as well as influencing the development of the web platform.
🔗 Facet
A super clever library for creating Web Components declaratively, using <template> elements in HTML. I specially like the "single-file web library" angle.
🔗 Floor 796
Truly amazing project with an already incredible scale that keeps on expanding! Turn "wandering mode" on for an effortless delightful time.
🔗 Software Folklore
Fascinating stories about software bugs. I've read a few of them already and some are wild, fun, and rich in history.
🔗 DebugBear's Website Speed Test
Very well-structured and with great, actionable improvement suggestions.
🔗 @vtbag's View Transition Test
Test your browser's support of the View Transition API.
🔗 Shortcat: keyboard-only control for macOS
It takes you really far into not having to use your mouse to control the whole OS.
🔗 Zen: an Arc-inspired, Firefox-based alternative browser
Although it's still very undercooked, it already shows good promise.