Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Announcing the Oxford Statistical Genomics Summer School 2022

Join us at St Hilda's College Oxford, overlooking the River Cherwell and Christ Church Meadow, for an immersive week-long residential post-graduate summer school on Statistical Genomics on 19th-24th June 2022. This course aims to connect post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers from academia and industry with experts at Oxford's Big Data Institute, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, and Department of Statistics.

Our friendly tutors, internationally recognised for their scientific expertise, will offer specialist instruction and hands-on computer practicals across five broad areas of Statistical Genomics: Next-generation Sequence Data Analysis, Gene and Variant Association Testing, Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Genealogical Inference and Analysis, and Medical Genomics.

The course is aimed at trainee scientists actively engaged in statistical genomics research, who wish to expand their knowledge of concepts and techniques.

Click here for more information including how to apply.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Teaching: Online lectures and practical on Phylogenetics in Practice

On March 16th, we were in the interesting position of running an infectious disease course at the Big Data Institute on the day the national lockdown was announced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we were among the first in the university to do remote teaching, something Katrina Lythgoe and the rest of us had prepared for in anticipation of the lockdown a week earlier that never happened.

These are the two online lectures in the Health Data Sciences CDT that I gave called Phylogenetics in Practice.

The online practical, which applies phylogenetics approaches to understand the Zika virus epidemic, is implemented as a Docker container, and available here.