@kyanny's blog

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Bizmates Program: Level 4 Rank E Lesson 3: Generation X: 1965 - 1980

ミス日本刀と。「今日は残業するの?」いやあ、早めに切り上げたいところです、昨夜の睡眠の質が悪くて body battery が全然回復してなくてね・・などと雑談。割と色々話したが結構忘れてしまった。集中して会話できていない証拠だなあ。

Lesson 3 Act から、昨日は Motivation だけ残ってると言われたのだが Act の最初からになった。まあいい。personality, working style, achievements については概ね昨日と同じことを。working style は質問が良かった分、突っ込んだ回答ができた。若い頃は毎日遅くまで勉強しても平気だったけど歳とってからは夜更かしするとすぐ翌日に響くようになったよ、とか。

Motivation については、30代くらいまではキャリアの成功とかが大きなモチベーションの一つになっていたけど、今は家族の幸せが一番の、そして唯一のモチベーションになっている。とりわけ、奥さんの幸せが何より大事。猫や義母や自分の両親、妹家族、などなどみんな大事だけど、すべては奥さんの幸せのため。「I'm so jealous」と感激して泣くようなジェスチャーで言われた。

ここでレッスン終了、次は Lesson 4 から。明日は猫が怪我してた人を予約した。9月ぶり?随分経つなあ。

Describe someone you know belonging to Generation X by filling in the chart below.

KEN Personality: I consider myself to be somewhat realistic about life, career, and the future. I'm quite skeptical about the economy, industry, and the government. (I believe somewhat..)

Working Style:
- When I was in my 20s, I tended to be a perfectionist. As I've matured, I've come to understand that I can't make everything perfect. I've learned to compromise with myself and others.

  • I had to learn to compromise with my team members' work and attitudes. Some members did not meet my expectations for work ethics or achievement styles, but I had to adjust. As I got older, I realized I couldn't do the same things I did in my early 20s. Back then, I spent almost every night learning programming and slept late. Over the years, I acquired computer skills and knowledge. Now in my 40s, I try to spend time at night learning about my work or interests, but my body no longer keep up.

Motivation: When I was young, in my 20s and 30s, career progression was one of my biggest motivations, like climbing the ladder in my company. But now, my biggest and only motivation is the happiness of my family: my wife, my cat, my parents, and my in-laws.