This blog was created in March 2023, as a way to share reviews on the many forms of media I consume. Hopefully, you find something useful or fun whilst reading the many mutterings of my time and experiences.
To be honest, the majority of my content here is likely to be novel based, handy for my fellow bookworms however, I may also produce content on the following areas of interest to me:
- Anime & Manga
- Books
- Fanfiction
- Games
- Spreadsheets
- TV-Shows
- Movies
This blog is mostly just a fun hobby for me but I do hope you enjoy it, I started my first blog Honestly Simple Reviews back in 2015 on Wordpress. Always been a big fan of reading it was my very first hobby and I used my blog as a way to write and share reviews of the things I read, which eventually lead to doing advanced review readings for authors and/or publishers, they would send me Advance Review Copies (ARCs) of books to read before publishing, there were even times I got to do interviews with authors and hold giveaways too.
About Bo.
Hello, if you’ve taken enough interest to scroll down this far then I must begin by thanking you. Below are the basics of my personal character profile.
Name: Bo Jack 🐮
Age: 26
Identity: Non-Binary, Pansexual
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday: November 3rd
Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: Wolverhampton, England.
Personality Type: INFP-T