This list is not ranked but I chose LATE SPRING first on the list to worship my favorite director, YASUJIRO OZU, who bought me to the world of cinema and to show the face of my favorite actor, SETSUKO HARA, too.
2020 - I have made this list to remind me that what is my favorite films that I ever discovered and compared my taste that may change related to time.
2024 - I have thought that if this list stands for my favorite film it will be equal to my 5 stars films which is able to access by my Films. So, I have changed the list based on the directors — One film/director. However, the film I choose…
This list is not ranked but I chose LATE SPRING first on the list to worship my favorite director, YASUJIRO OZU, who bought me to the world of cinema and to show the face of my favorite actor, SETSUKO HARA, too.
2020 - I have made this list to remind me that what is my favorite films that I ever discovered and compared my taste that may change related to time.
2024 - I have thought that if this list stands for my favorite film it will be equal to my 5 stars films which is able to access by my Films. So, I have changed the list based on the directors — One film/director. However, the film I choose is not meant that it is the most favorite film.
I will choose 2 or 3 films into the list, if I watched more than 10 or 20 films/director, respectively.
Yearly ranking : 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014