Ladies n Gents, Muties n Furballs, Ghouls of the Earth + Spirits who Waltz in the midnight aire, welcome to the annual BrettroCulture horrorthon extravaganza that is HoopTober! Brett der Wiese is not here anymore. In his place is THE BRETT DEATH, the Voice Without Body, and this here marks my ninth (!!) HoopTober saga. For those unfamiliar with the event of HoopTober, let me introduce you promptly. Every year, from mid-September to the ever hallowed eve, the letterboxd community gathers for their celebrations of all things spooky, the most popular event aside from personal horror challenges being Cinemonster's HoopTober, which began as a rather small affair in 2014 that I only happened to come…

List by AnimeBachelor btw Patron
R.I.P. HoopTober? Nein!
Ladies n Gents, Muties n Furballs, Ghouls of the Earth + Spirits who Waltz in the midnight aire, welcome to the annual BrettroCulture horrorthon extravaganza that is HoopTober! Brett der Wiese is not here anymore. In his place is THE BRETT DEATH, the Voice Without Body, and this here marks my ninth (!!) HoopTober saga. For those unfamiliar with the event of HoopTober, let me introduce you promptly. Every year, from mid-September to the ever hallowed eve, the letterboxd community gathers for their celebrations of all things spooky, the most popular event aside from personal horror challenges being Cinemonster's HoopTober, which began as a rather small affair in 2014 that I only happened to come across, managed to break even on, and even made an impression on el bueno monstruo himself. I am an nein timer, having participated, if not 100%ed almost every single previous challenge save perhaps the first, but that will perhaps be saved for another day's tale. And if you are at all curious about my eight previous HoopTober's, CLICK HERE.
For now, we must christen this year's event, for lack of more spooky term, with a reading from the creators' listing:
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The Basic Gist:
>Watch (and review) 31 spooky movies before midnight on Hallowe'en night.
>Watching/reviewing begins at 12:01am on September 15th.
>Use the Tag HoopTober9 so we can read each others' stuff.
✓There must be 31 films
✓6 countries [Japan, Germany, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Canada, Brazil]
✓8 decades
✓2 insect centered films [Squirm, Deadly Mantis]
✓1 horror film set in space or the future (relative to when it was released) [Violence Jack]
✓2 animated films [Violence Jack, Mad God]
✓1 bloodthirsty old person/people film [Skeleton Key]
✓2 1970s regional US films (Thanks Sean Young) [Squirm, Track of the Moon Beast]
✓The worst horror sequel from the 1990s that you haven't seen and can access. [sigh, Birds II]
✓1 German Silent [Destiny]
✓✓✓✓✓5 Films from David Cronenberg, Ti West, Bill Rebane, Charles B. Pierce, William Grefe and/or Joy N. Houck Jr.
✓✓2 Christopher Lee films [Challenge the Devil, Crypt o/t Vampire]
✓1 film with a musician or band in it [Track of the Moon Beast, from what I've heard]
[[and if That doesn't count, according to the poster for Sting of Death, there's a Special Singing Guest Star, so there!]]
✓1 Stephen King adaptation that is not the first go around, such as IT (2017), either of the Carrie movies from after 2000, Pet Sematary 2019, .... [Firestarter]
✓1 Lon Chaney film. [the Penalty]
✓And 1 Tobe Hooper Film (There must ALWAYS be a Hooper film)
***FOR THOSE THAT LIKE TO DO EXTRA WORK: WATCH The Last Circus and Silent Madness. Like last year, there is a third film: Pennywise: The Story of It.✓✓✓
****This years surprise: The IT doc is on Screambox. Screambox peeps gave us Hooptober folks a code for a free trial. Everyone can watch the doc, if they want to.
The code is HOOPTOBER and you can sign up HERE
There is a lot of cool stuff on Screambox (including Terrifier 2), so enjoy. 🤡
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For my personal requirements, I am adding 3 current releases, [Pearl, Firestarter, HalloweenEnds], as well as 3 riffed properties, [Deadly Mantis, Moon Beast, Squirm] because I cannot help but Keep Circulating the Tapes!