There must be 31 horror films
6 countries
-UK ✔️, USA ✔️, Italy ✔️, Mexico ✔️, India ✔️ & Austria ✔️ (France & Canada too)
8 decades
- 2020 ✔️, 2010, 1990 ✔️, 1980 ✔️, 1970 ✔️, 1960 ✔️, 1920 ✔️
ALL of the films from a horror franchise with at least 4 entries
- Critters (1-6) ✔️
1 film by Wes Craven
- The Hills Have Eyes ✔️
1 film caused by/worsens by weather
- Sharknado ✔️
1 film starring a black woman
- Blackenstein ✔️
1 Donald Sutherland film
- Dr Terror's House of Horrors ✔️
3 films from New World Pictures
- Elvira: Mistress of the Dark ✔️ , La figlia di Frankenstein ✔️ & The…

List by Jamie Pro
Hooptober XI
There must be 31 horror films
6 countries
-UK ✔️, USA ✔️, Italy ✔️, Mexico ✔️, India ✔️ & Austria ✔️ (France & Canada too)
8 decades
- 2020 ✔️, 2010, 1990 ✔️, 1980 ✔️, 1970 ✔️, 1960 ✔️, 1920 ✔️
ALL of the films from a horror franchise with at least 4 entries
- Critters (1-6) ✔️
1 film by Wes Craven
- The Hills Have Eyes ✔️
1 film caused by/worsens by weather
- Sharknado ✔️
1 film starring a black woman
- Blackenstein ✔️
1 Donald Sutherland film
- Dr Terror's House of Horrors ✔️
3 films from New World Pictures
- Elvira: Mistress of the Dark ✔️ , La figlia di Frankenstein ✔️ & The Bees ✔️
2 Indian films
- The Other Side of the Door ✔️ & Purana Mandir ✔️
4 Italian films
- Zombi 2 ✔️ , Tenebre ✔️ , Una lucertola con la pelle di donna ✔️ & Profondo rosso ✔️
2 horror comedies
- Freaky ✔️ & Idle Hands ✔️
2 films made primarily or entirely in Texas
- Student bodies ✔️ & The Nail Gun Massacre ✔️
1 film that exists in at least 2 available cuts
- Cujo (International Version & US Version/Director's Cut) ✔️
1 Robert Wiene film
- Orlacs Hände ✔️
1 Michael Soavi film
- DellaMorte DellAmore ✔️
1 film from 2011
- La piel que habito ✔️
1 film from 1984
- Bloodsuckers from Outer Space ✔️
And 1 Tobe Hooper film
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre ✔️
*Bonus: Cyclone ✔️, Crawlspace ✔️ & We Are Zombies ✔️
Status: Complete, just need to finish the reviews