films that feature a scene with a lizard unless the lizard has been killed. in order of how great the lizard cameo is

List by calotelli Patron
lizards in film
The Holy Mountain 1973
Horned lizards dressed as Aztecs fight Cane Toad conquistadores in the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
Altered States 1980
A Harvard scientist eats some Mexican magic mushrooms and hallucinates a bunch of lizards including a Spiny Lizard and Monitor Lizards (including a dead and disembowelled one)
Licence to Kill 1989
An evil drug lord carries around an iguana that wears a diamond studded collar.
Old Yeller 1957
A young boy carries a horned lizard in his pocket, and enjoys catching other lizards, snakes and frogs.
A kind-hearted cowboy offers to swap his dog to a young boy in return for the boy's pet horny toad and a home-cooked meal. -
The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976
An old Indian man gives Josey Wales a horned lizard that told him they should go to Mexico.
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans 2009
Nicolas Cage imagining an Iguana and a Bearded Dragon
Journey to the Center of the Earth 1959
A giant Red Tegu tries to eat some explorers
Le Cercle Rouge 1970
An alcoholic's delirium includes Uromastyx and Iguanas
The Puffy Chair 2005
A guy visits his quirky brother to find him in a bush videotaping Green Anoles
Drive, He Said 1971
Many lizards like Green Iguana’s, Western Skinks and a Tegu
This is Not a Film 2011
Jafa Panahi’s Green Iguana named Igi walking around his gaff
Tales of Terror 1962
A drunk hallucinates a Green Iguana on his shelf and a Gila Monster on his cellar stairs.
Tarzan Escapes 1936
Hunters in an Africa jungle pass through a staming swamp full of man-eating iguanas. Two of them fall in and are eaten alive by the hideous monsters.
The Tree of Life 2011
Two boys chase their ma with a Texas Alligator Lizard
The Freshman 1990
A young film student is hired to pick up something that turns out to be a live Komodo Dragon
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948
A Gila Monster crawls under the rock where Bogart hid his treasure
The Terminator 1984
Sarah Connor has a pet iguana named Pugsley