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lizards in film

films that feature a scene with a lizard unless the lizard has been killed. in order of how great the lizard cameo is

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  • The Holy Mountain

    The Holy Mountain

    Horned lizards dressed as Aztecs fight Cane Toad conquistadores in the Spanish conquest of Mexico.

  • Inferno


    Western Green Lizard eating a moth in a nature documentary esque scene - also quite a lot of lizard symbolism throughout 

  • Altered States

    Altered States

    A Harvard scientist eats some Mexican magic mushrooms and hallucinates a bunch of lizards including a Spiny Lizard and Monitor Lizards (including a dead and disembowelled one)

  • Licence to Kill

    Licence to Kill

    An evil drug lord carries around an iguana that wears a diamond studded collar.

  • Old Yeller

    Old Yeller

    A young boy carries a horned lizard in his pocket, and enjoys catching other lizards, snakes and frogs.
    A kind-hearted cowboy offers to swap his dog to a young boy in return for the boy's pet horny toad and a home-cooked meal.

  • The Outlaw Josey Wales

    The Outlaw Josey Wales

    An old Indian man gives Josey Wales a horned lizard that told him they should go to Mexico.

  • The Show

    The Show

    A deadly poisonous Green Iguana kills a man at a carnival then is stolen in an attempt to kill another man.

  • Frogs


    Many many reptiles in this one, lizards include Green Anoles and Tokay Geckos on top of a dead body and then some scenes with Black and White Tegus

  • Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans

    Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans

    Nicolas Cage imagining an Iguana and a Bearded Dragon

  • Red River

    Red River

    A cowboy riding a horse leans over and grabs a Texas Horned Lizard off the ground without stopping.

  • Journey to the Center of the Earth

    Journey to the Center of the Earth

    A giant Red Tegu tries to eat some explorers 

  • Le Cercle Rouge

    Le Cercle Rouge

    An alcoholic's delirium includes Uromastyx and Iguanas

  • The Puffy Chair

    The Puffy Chair

    A guy visits his quirky brother to find him in a bush videotaping Green Anoles

  • Drive, He Said

    Drive, He Said

    Many lizards like Green Iguana’s, Western Skinks and a Tegu

  • This is Not a Film

    This is Not a Film

    Jafa Panahi’s Green Iguana named Igi walking around his gaff 

  • Sirens


    A Blue Tongued Skink sits on a desk at a train station.

  • Tales of Terror

    Tales of Terror

    A drunk hallucinates a Green Iguana on his shelf and a Gila Monster on his cellar stairs.

  • Tarzan Escapes

    Tarzan Escapes

    Hunters in an Africa jungle pass through a staming swamp full of man-eating iguanas. Two of them fall in and are eaten alive by the hideous monsters.

  • The Tree of Life

    The Tree of Life

    Two boys chase their ma with a Texas Alligator Lizard

  • The Freshman

    The Freshman


    A young film student is hired to pick up something that turns out to be a live Komodo Dragon

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  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

    The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

    A Gila Monster crawls under the rock where Bogart hid his treasure

  • Roma



    A boy walking in the Mexican countryside catches a horned lizard.

  • Greed


    Gila Monster and a Chuckwalla in Death Valley

  • The Terminator

    The Terminator


    Sarah Connor has a pet iguana named Pugsley

  • Godzilla



    Jackson’s Chameleon in the forrest 

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  • Friday



    Smokey has a pet Iguana in his room 

  • Blink Twice

    Blink Twice


    opening shot of the film is a Mexican Alligator Lizard (Abronia)

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