Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Shorty"
O significado de "Shorty" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Shorty a lil' baddie (She a lil' baddie)
Shorty my lil' boo thing (Boo thing)
And shorty got the fatty
Shorty be catching mood swings
Shorty my lil' boo thing (Boo thing)
And shorty got the fatty
Shorty be catching mood swings
"Shorty" is slang for "female partner" in African American English.
Lil' = Little.
Baddie = Naughty person.
Boo thing = Partner.
Fatty = fat ass (?)
Shorty be catching mood swings = My partner's mood is unstable.
Lil' = Little.
Baddie = Naughty person.
Boo thing = Partner.
Fatty = fat ass (?)
Shorty be catching mood swings = My partner's mood is unstable.
O que significa "Shorty"
(This is the whole sentence : Shorty, you're my angel )?
(This is the whole sentence : Shorty, you're my angel )?
It is a slang word for your girlfriend, but it could be viewed as very offensive to call someone shorty. It is often used in US rap music and Hip Hop.
O que significa Shorty award?
"The Shorty Awards honor the best content creators and producers on social media: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine and the rest of social web."
O que significa Shorty award?
Shorty award is an award show for content creators in Facebook,twitter,youtube,vine etc
Traduções de "Shorty"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Shorty
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Shorty & Harder
Harder sounds great but Shorty can be improved i'd say by making your O more sharp when you say it
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