Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Straightforward"
O significado de "Straightforward" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Straightforward ?
Simple, easy, without difficulty/problems.
It was a straightforward decision he had to make.
It was a straightforward decision he had to make.
O que significa Straightforward ?
'Straightforward' has two meanings.
If you are talking about something like instructions or an explanation, then it means: 'easy to understand' or 'simple'.
For example:
'Using these instructions is straightforward.' = 'Using these instructions is easy to understand.'
But, if you are talking about a person, then it means: 'honest' and 'direct'. In other words, the person is very open and does not hide their feelings.
For example:
'He is a very straightforward man.' = 'He does not hide his feelings.'
If you are talking about something like instructions or an explanation, then it means: 'easy to understand' or 'simple'.
For example:
'Using these instructions is straightforward.' = 'Using these instructions is easy to understand.'
But, if you are talking about a person, then it means: 'honest' and 'direct'. In other words, the person is very open and does not hide their feelings.
For example:
'He is a very straightforward man.' = 'He does not hide his feelings.'
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Straightforward"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com Straightforward.
thanks a lot :)
Outras perguntas sobre "Straightforward"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar Straightforward.
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