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Q: I brought my old accessories from my mother's house yesterday. They lost their brilliance because I left them for a long time, So I have to clean them. I have two my favorite gemstone necklaces, one of them is labradrite and the other is larimar, I bought them when I traveled to Sedona, Arizona. As I believe a little that gemstones have healing powers, I smoked those stones with white sages and purified them. Too many times I smoked them, they got dirty and became yellow. I gave up on them for a long time and left them, I finally decided to clean them up. So I polished their parts with a silver polish. Then I wanted to clean the yellow tar, I tried to polish gemstones with laundry bleach, and it went well. I am happy that I can recover my favorite necklaces. I look forward to wearing them with various clothes. soa natural?

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