Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Alot"
O significado de "Alot" em várias frases e orações
O que significa be through alot together ?
It means experience many things together.
O que significa I see alot [May before the subject] in Supplications
to God
I wanna know that rule
(For +somebody+ to +inf )
I use [may before subject] but I don't know why
to God
I wanna know that rule
(For +somebody+ to +inf )
I use [may before subject] but I don't know why
"May I be" = "Let me be" or "I shall be".
It's a form of proclamation.
Similar to
It's a form of proclamation.
Similar to
O que significa She was very needy. Even if i tried to give her alot of my time it wasn't enough
↑ Reason for breaking up with girlfriend?
↑ Reason for breaking up with girlfriend?
The girlfriend was always asking for more, she was never satisfied with what the partner has given her, in this case it seemed like she wanted her partner to always be with her or be there for her all the time.
The partner tried to fulfill that by giving most of his time to the girlfriend but that's still not enough for her, she still wanted more than that. At the end the partner broke up with her because of that reason.
The partner tried to fulfill that by giving most of his time to the girlfriend but that's still not enough for her, she still wanted more than that. At the end the partner broke up with her because of that reason.
O que significa I screwed up mean?
I saw it alot in movies. But maybe it has lots of meaning?
I saw it alot in movies. But maybe it has lots of meaning?
Depends on the context but it might mean "I messed up" "I made a mistake" or something similar
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Alot"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com helps alot.
"Thanks, that helps a lot!"
"He helps a lot."
"Studying helps a lot."
"He helps a lot."
"Studying helps a lot."
Me mostre frases de exemplo com alot of and lots of.
I think it's "a lot of" and "lots of"
There is a lot of people in the street
Is there a lot of people in your party?
I bought a lot of bananas
I'm having lots of fun at this party
I like lots of stuff
He lost lots of money
There is a lot of people in the street
Is there a lot of people in your party?
I bought a lot of bananas
I'm having lots of fun at this party
I like lots of stuff
He lost lots of money
Palavras similares a "Alot" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre alot of ~ e lot of ~ 어떤게 맞죠? ?
It should always be "a lot of"
People often write "alot of" but that's incorrect. There needs to be a space.
"lots of" is often used, too. They both mean exactly the same thing.
I have a lot of friends. (나는 많은 친구가 있다.)
I have lots of friends. (나는 많은 친구가 있다.)
People often write "alot of" but that's incorrect. There needs to be a space.
"lots of" is often used, too. They both mean exactly the same thing.
I have a lot of friends. (나는 많은 친구가 있다.)
I have lots of friends. (나는 많은 친구가 있다.)
Qual é a diferença entre alot of e lots of ?
are you sure honey?
Qual é a diferença entre alot e very ?
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Qual é a diferença entre alot e a lot ?
Qual é a diferença entre alot e a lot ?
Only 'a lot' is correct. 'Alot' is a common misspelling even among native speakers.
Traduções de "Alot"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "I'd thank you alot if you make me a favour" But in simple and common way.
I'd really appreciate it if you'd do a favor for me.
I'd be really grateful if you'd do a favor for me.
I'd be really grateful if you'd do a favor for me.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I have seen this alot but I don't know how it's pronounced 😅 it's "~"
it's called TILDE. in mathematic means "almost" (but not exactly)
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What does "i am loving it" means?I heard it alot in some movies ..... the correct form isn't it "i love it"
"I am loving it" indicates the present progressive tense meaning it's happening right now. If your friend is currently on a trip and you ask, "How is your vacation going?" They may say "I am loving it!" Or you might say "I am loving this salad (that I am eating right now.)"
"I love it" is more general and is used to describe objects and ongoing feelings.
"Do you like this shirt?" "Yes, I love it"
"I love running" is different from "I am loving this race I am running."
"I love it" is more general and is used to describe objects and ongoing feelings.
"Do you like this shirt?" "Yes, I love it"
"I love running" is different from "I am loving this race I am running."
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I hate you alot
"I hate you a lot"
Outras perguntas sobre "Alot"
I see alot of people saying your instead of you’re ? Why
To me that seems grammatically incorrect it should be go to bed if you’re tired. Plenty of people had made mistakes with your and you’re.
alot of things happened since celebrated your last birthday soa natural?
A lot of things have happened since we celebrated your last birthday.
A bit of grammar error and added a few words to tie it up nicely!
A lot of things have happened since we celebrated your last birthday.
A bit of grammar error and added a few words to tie it up nicely!
The military helps us alot. Inspite of it, people don't respect them. soa natural?
The military helps us a lot. In spite of it all, people still don't respect them.
There are alot crazy bosses of companies who are abusing their power in Korea. soa natural?
Just be careful. A lot is two words. Trust me I still mess up after 16 years.
There are a lot of crazy bosses of companies who are abusing their power in Korea.
There are a lot of crazy bosses of companies who are abusing their power in Korea.
It's hurting me alot soa natural?
When typing, "alot" is two words, so it should be "a lot"
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