Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Amoral"
O significado de "Amoral" em várias frases e orações
O que significa amoral?
Not moral, as in not in accordance with morality.
Palavras similares a "Amoral" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre amoral e immoral ?
Amoral is leaning more towards chaotic neutral- no regard for morals, and doing things without considering if they are commonly thought of as "good" or "bad"- with no morals in general.
Immoral is specifically bad. The person has morals or accepts the norm of morals, but they're choosing to do the bad thing instead, which goes against their morals.
Immoral is specifically bad. The person has morals or accepts the norm of morals, but they're choosing to do the bad thing instead, which goes against their morals.
Qual é a diferença entre amoral e immoral ?
This paragraph may help. In more basic English, “immoral” is not moral at all, while “amoral” does not worry about morality.
Qual é a diferença entre amoral e immoral ?
"amoral" : describes someone who is generally unaware of or unconcerned about what is morally right or wrong.
Example: someone who lives their life care-free without any concern or understanding for how their actions negatively affect others.
"immoral" : describes someone who does not follow accepted moral standards of behaviour; i.e. someone who regularly behaves in a morally wrong or unethical manner (even though they know it is wrong).
Example: a criminal, a scammer, a con artist, etc.
The main difference is that 'amoral' is characterized by a lack of interest, understanding, or concern about morality whereas 'immoral' is characterized by an intentional violation of societal norms and moral values.
Example: someone who lives their life care-free without any concern or understanding for how their actions negatively affect others.
"immoral" : describes someone who does not follow accepted moral standards of behaviour; i.e. someone who regularly behaves in a morally wrong or unethical manner (even though they know it is wrong).
Example: a criminal, a scammer, a con artist, etc.
The main difference is that 'amoral' is characterized by a lack of interest, understanding, or concern about morality whereas 'immoral' is characterized by an intentional violation of societal norms and moral values.
Significados e usos de palavras e frases similares
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