Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Australians"
O significado de "Australians" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Australians pls tell me. What dose this roadsign mean?
“Road kill makes a good meal but devils get killed too.”
I can understand the meaning but can't the joke. What do devils mean? I saw the roadsign with a pitcher of a kangaroo, not a Tasmanian devil.?
“Road kill makes a good meal but devils get killed too.”
I can understand the meaning but can't the joke. What do devils mean? I saw the roadsign with a pitcher of a kangaroo, not a Tasmanian devil.?
Can you post the video you got this from?
O que significa Australians were among the first to celebrate this historic occasion.?
"Among the first" means there were a few different nationalities who started celebrating it at roughly the same time - say, Australians and New Zealanders and Indonesians. For example.
Out of idle curiosity, what's it talking about?
Out of idle curiosity, what's it talking about?
Palavras similares a "Australians" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre Australians use many words that English speakers from other counties may not recognize e Australians use many words that English speakers may not recognize from other countries ?
The first one is correct. The second one is confusing.
Outras perguntas sobre "Australians"
Australians were infuriated because Djokovic had been given a medical exemption without explanation from the authority.
Is this sentence correct ?
Is this sentence correct ?
That sentence is perfect!
I’ve heard Australians people are spreading Vegemite on toast. soa natural?
--> "I’ve heard *Australians spread* Vegemite on toast.
How do Australians say goodbye?
Laters, mate
Why do Australians pronounce eight as ait?
I guess it's just an accent matter
how to learn the Australians' accent ? any suggestion?
@yunghuiii: Such as
"a veggie"= "a vegetarian"
"veggies"= "vegetables" or "vegetarians"
"gotta"= "have got to" or "must"
"gonna" = going to
These contractions are used worldwide, not only in Australia.
"a veggie"= "a vegetarian"
"veggies"= "vegetables" or "vegetarians"
"gotta"= "have got to" or "must"
"gonna" = going to
These contractions are used worldwide, not only in Australia.
Significados e usos de palavras e frases similares
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