Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Await"
O significado de "Await" em várias frases e orações
O que significa awaiting ?
It means waiting for something to happen in the future. Example: “ Rapunzel sat in her tower awaiting her prince”
O que significa await?
Wait for.
I await the news.
be waiting for
Many surprises await us.
I await the news.
be waiting for
Many surprises await us.
O que significa await?
waiting for
i await your arrival
i await your arrival
O que significa awaited?
nothing really wait is just in past tense (waited) ed
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Await"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com await.
Await means to wait for, but it's a very formal, old-fashioned term.
"We were eagerly awaiting his return from sea."
"Shall we be going, Your Royal Highness? Your chariot awaits."
"I am having fun, but I must go home now. My bed awaits!"
"We were eagerly awaiting his return from sea."
"Shall we be going, Your Royal Highness? Your chariot awaits."
"I am having fun, but I must go home now. My bed awaits!"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com await .
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Me mostre frases de exemplo com await.
"he stopped by a park to await her phone call"
"the inmate will await their prison sentence"
"we will await your arrival"
as you can see it sounds more dramatic than just using the word "wait" and is not often used in casual conversation
"the inmate will await their prison sentence"
"we will await your arrival"
as you can see it sounds more dramatic than just using the word "wait" and is not often used in casual conversation
Me mostre frases de exemplo com awaiting.
I am awaiting your response. That's pretty much the only common context this word is used.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com await.
Please await your turn until the nurse calls your name.
Palavras similares a "Await" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre await e wait ?
I'm awaiting his arrival.
I'm waiting for his arrival.
We were awaiting his call.
We were waiting for his call.
Many dangers await them.
There are a lot of dangers waiting for them.
I'm waiting for his arrival.
We were awaiting his call.
We were waiting for his call.
Many dangers await them.
There are a lot of dangers waiting for them.
Qual é a diferença entre await e wait ?
"I await your response" and "I wait for your response". Await is a very formal/old fashioned way of saying wait for
Qual é a diferença entre awaits e wait ?
"Await" is to expect/wait on while "wait" is to remain/stay in the same place. The woman awaits her husband's return from the war. VS He waits at the bus stop.
Qual é a diferença entre await e wait ?
There are mainly two kinds of differences between ‘wait’ and ‘await’. The verb await must have an expressed object. It is a transitive verb.
To await is to wait for something that you expect to happen.
I am awaiting her reply.
They are awaiting the birth of their baby.
She is awaiting a call from her boyfriend.
Note that the object of await is usually an inanimate object. For example, we don’t usually await a person, but we can await their call or letter.
I am awaiting her response. (BUT NOT I am awaiting her.)
The verb wait can be used in different structures.
To wait is to stay in one place because you expect that something happen. Wait can be used without an object.
We have been waiting for ages.
I have been waiting for a bus for two hours.
Wait can be followed by an infinitive.
The passengers were waiting to board the bus when the bomb exploded.
When we use wait, we usually also mention the length of the time we have been waiting. It is not necessary, but it is very common.
She has been waiting for a call from her son since yesterday.
Before an object, we usually use wait for. The object of wait can be a person or an inanimate object.
We are all waiting for you. (NOT We are all awaiting you.) (NOT We are waiting you.)
To await is to wait for something that you expect to happen.
I am awaiting her reply.
They are awaiting the birth of their baby.
She is awaiting a call from her boyfriend.
Note that the object of await is usually an inanimate object. For example, we don’t usually await a person, but we can await their call or letter.
I am awaiting her response. (BUT NOT I am awaiting her.)
The verb wait can be used in different structures.
To wait is to stay in one place because you expect that something happen. Wait can be used without an object.
We have been waiting for ages.
I have been waiting for a bus for two hours.
Wait can be followed by an infinitive.
The passengers were waiting to board the bus when the bomb exploded.
When we use wait, we usually also mention the length of the time we have been waiting. It is not necessary, but it is very common.
She has been waiting for a call from her son since yesterday.
Before an object, we usually use wait for. The object of wait can be a person or an inanimate object.
We are all waiting for you. (NOT We are all awaiting you.) (NOT We are waiting you.)
Qual é a diferença entre we await e we wait ?
"Await" and "wait" basically mean the same thing, but the grammar is different.
"We await your answer" and "we are waiting for your answer" mean exactly the same thing.
"Every year we await the return of the robins in the spring" and "Every year we wait for the return of the robins in the spring" mean exactly the same thing. (Robins don't migrate, but I couldn't think of a bird that does.)
"We await your answer" and "we are waiting for your answer" mean exactly the same thing.
"Every year we await the return of the robins in the spring" and "Every year we wait for the return of the robins in the spring" mean exactly the same thing. (Robins don't migrate, but I couldn't think of a bird that does.)
Traduções de "Await"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? awaiting
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? awaiting
Isn't the word 'awaiting' already in english though?
Outras perguntas sobre "Await"
I awaited you to come, but you never showed up! soa natural?
× I awaited you to come, but you never showed up!
✓ I waited for you to come, but you never showed up!
To wait for is intransitive. I waited for John.
To await is transitive. I awaited his arrival.
✓ I waited for you to come, but you never showed up!
To wait for is intransitive. I waited for John.
To await is transitive. I awaited his arrival.
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar awaits.
"what awaits us still a mystery"
"Adventure awaits!"
"what awaits us still a mystery"
"Adventure awaits!"
Can I await only? soa natural?
Can I wait here only? seems better. what is your question actually?
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