Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Chinese"
O significado de "Chinese" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Chinese are running rings around us ?
The Chinese are winning.
O que significa “the Chinese had been heavily outnumbered by the Japanese.”?
There are a lot more people that are Japanese than Chinese.
O que significa Chinese picture writing, lile Egyptian hieroglyphics, began with pictures that really looked like the objects they named.?
Before the alphabet/letters, primitive writing systems used to be simplified pictures/drawings.
The Chinese character for mountain is 山, which kind of looks like a mountain 🏔. The character for rain is 雨, which looks a bit like rain falling.
I don’t know hieroglyphics so I can’t provide examples 😅
The Chinese character for mountain is 山, which kind of looks like a mountain 🏔. The character for rain is 雨, which looks a bit like rain falling.
I don’t know hieroglyphics so I can’t provide examples 😅
O que significa Chinese hardly ever go abroad and know what kinda names are stripper name. Can anybody give me some common stripper name that I can avoid those when I give my friends an English name??
Often strippers will use the names of objects/items: Candy, Cherry, Angel...
You can go to and search for different names. When you select a name, click “comments” and you can read what native speakers think about that name. That might be a good way to make sure there aren’t any negative cultural connotations you weren’t aware of! 🙂
You can go to and search for different names. When you select a name, click “comments” and you can read what native speakers think about that name. That might be a good way to make sure there aren’t any negative cultural connotations you weren’t aware of! 🙂
O que significa Chinese is the one that first pops into my mind.
What is the meaning of pop?
Is it a noun or verb?
What is the meaning of pop?
Is it a noun or verb?
(to) "pop up" is a verb. It means "appear (suddenly)".
Chinese is the first one that pops up.
Chinese is the first one that comes to mind.
Chinese is the first one that pops up.
Chinese is the first one that comes to mind.
Palavras similares a "Chinese" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre Chinese market e China's market ?
A Chinese Market sells Chinese items.
China's market shows possession so this means it is a market that is owned by China
China's market shows possession so this means it is a market that is owned by China
Qual é a diferença entre Chinese market e China market ?
China market sounds like a food store. It's poor English.
Chinese market means that the market is either in China or carries Chinese goods. This is proper English.
Chinese market means that the market is either in China or carries Chinese goods. This is proper English.
Qual é a diferença entre Chinese NBA player e Chinese-American NBA player ?
Chinese means they were born in China. Chinese American means they were born in America but are from Chinese
Qual é a diferença entre Chinese e mandarin ?
Mandarin is the most popular dialect in China, although people say Chinese referring to a language, actually they are talking about "Mandarin".
In China there are Mandarin, Cantonese and other ones.
I would say you can use either of them when speaking about it
In China there are Mandarin, Cantonese and other ones.
I would say you can use either of them when speaking about it
Qual é a diferença entre Chinese officials e Chinese authorities ?
An "official" has control over SOMETHING and an "authority" has control over SOMEONE. In America, a "Chinese official" might be a health inspector or building inspector. A "Chinese authority" might be a judge or a police officer. Both "officials" and "authorities" usually work for the government because that is where they get their power from. A "Chinese official" could close your restaurant or condemn your building if you aren't following the health codes or building codes, but they can't arrest you. A "Chinese authority" can arrest you and even send you to jail if you are not following the law.
Traduções de "Chinese"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 努力学中文:study Chinese hard?study hard at Chinese?
This is hard to translate directly.
I think the most natural way to translate is “work hard at studying Chinese”or “study Chinese diligently”
一般只说“study hard” (比如he studies really hard)
如果说“Study hard at X” 或 “study X hard”,对我来说听起来很别扭,可是我一定能看懂。
I think the most natural way to translate is “work hard at studying Chinese”or “study Chinese diligently”
一般只说“study hard” (比如he studies really hard)
如果说“Study hard at X” 或 “study X hard”,对我来说听起来很别扭,可是我一定能看懂。
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 中国政府は証拠隠滅のため武漢の研究所を破壊した Chinese government exploded the lavatory in Wuhan where the Corina was founded to destroy the evidence(can someone make this sentence briefly?)
the chinese government destroyed the lab in wuhan (to get rid of the evidence )
the chinese government destroyed the lab to get rid of the evidence
the chinese government destroyed the lab in wuhan (to get rid of the evidence )
the chinese government destroyed the lab to get rid of the evidence
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I am(chinese) looking for a SERIOUS English Language Exchange partner! (I can you teach you Chinese)
I have both
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? (Chinese text in the picture)
The world is changing.
Are you the person who will change the world?
Have you ever decided which path the ship of destiny will go?
Straight on, or just go with the flow?
From the first moment to the last,
has the world ever changed because of you?
You yourself, with your backpack,
you already have everything you need going forward.
You shall write your own motto.
You shall create your own legend.
This era belongs to us.
Are you the person who will change the world?
Have you ever decided which path the ship of destiny will go?
Straight on, or just go with the flow?
From the first moment to the last,
has the world ever changed because of you?
You yourself, with your backpack,
you already have everything you need going forward.
You shall write your own motto.
You shall create your own legend.
This era belongs to us.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Kanji in Traditional/Simplified Chinese
Yes, I would say Chinese characters.
Outras perguntas sobre "Chinese"
Chinese foods taste can’t predicted by their appearance. soa natural?
(How) Chinese foods taste can’t (be) predicted by their appearance.
Chinese food is delicious. If you ask me which dish I like best, I'll say spicy hot pot. soa natural?
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Chinese continuing education is a trap. Expect charging money, you will never learn something. soa natural?
1.exept to lose - - Instead of the infiniv here you should use the gerund = except for losing your money...
2. Because of - - don't start a sentence with because instead start with that's because not too difficult but more correct
3. Of the quality of teaching - - in English you say teaching standard.
4. Is not as good as you are anticipated - - that's a temporal mistake, meaning you used the wrong time the correct version would : the teaching standard is not as good as 1. you are anticipating. Or 2. As you had anticipated.
2. Because of - - don't start a sentence with because instead start with that's because not too difficult but more correct
3. Of the quality of teaching - - in English you say teaching standard.
4. Is not as good as you are anticipated - - that's a temporal mistake, meaning you used the wrong time the correct version would : the teaching standard is not as good as 1. you are anticipating. Or 2. As you had anticipated.
Chinese have stolen someone else's ideas and skills. They ignore the right of the intellectual property.
Is this correct?
Is this correct?
Of your speaking generally, I’d say:
“Chinese steal other people’s ideas and skills. They ignore intellectual property rights.”
“Chinese steal other people’s ideas and skills. They ignore intellectual property rights.”
Chinese build like symmetric design. soa natural?
I think that sounds a little unnatural. I dont exactly know what you were trying to say. where u referring to the buildings? if so I think is should be "Chinese buildings have symmetrical designs"
I dont think the word "like" should be used because "like" is normally used to comparing 2 things but because you are stating a fact I think is should be "have"
I dont think the word "like" should be used because "like" is normally used to comparing 2 things but because you are stating a fact I think is should be "have"
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