Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Condition"

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Q: ‎The most important condition of my ideal job is absolutely that it is easy to balance work and family.
I’m housewife now because I quit my job and moved to the U.S. due to my husband’s job. But, I worked before. It was very hard work. I usually had been working overtime. Also, I sometimes had to go to work from so early in the morning. More often than not, taking a shower, eating dinner and wash my teeth were eveyting I could do after I came home until I went to bed. Paid variation was just as good as having nothing. My husband was also same in Japan. So, we wasn’t able to talk each other on weekday even though we live together. We even had to go to work on weekend. We could relax and hang out with family only on long holidays. We felt stressed so much. soa natural?

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