Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Conversation"

Exemplo de frases utilisando "Conversation"

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Q: I made a conversation about reserving a flight. Could you help me check this?

A: Hello. I would like to make a flight reservation.
B: Where are you flying?
A: I plan to fly to Rome, Italy.
B: When are you flying to Rome?
A: October 30th.
B: Okay. Is it okay for you to take the flight departing at 7 a.m. on October 30th?
A: I prefer the afternoon flight.
B: Sure. There's a flight departing at 3 p.m. Are you okay with it?
A: Great. I'm okay with it.
B: May I have your name?
A: Sure. Alice Tsai.
B: Your ticket is 1080 USD. Will you pay it in cash or by credit card?
A: Credit card. The number is xxxxxxxxxx
B: Thanks for your reservation.

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