Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Correclty"
Outras perguntas sobre "Correclty"
Did I correclty speak English while talking about the Lord of the Rings Lore?
Very rare material. Very strong material.
The mines are crossed by the Fellowship of the Ring in an attempt to overcome the mountain.
To bump into sounds like a friendly encounter. Maybe to ambush, or to be set upon by.
Balrog is lurking just as they are.
Finally achieved was to wake up the Balrog.
The fellowship manages to survive thanks to Gandalf’s help.
They are believed to be dead.
The mines are crossed by the Fellowship of the Ring in an attempt to overcome the mountain.
To bump into sounds like a friendly encounter. Maybe to ambush, or to be set upon by.
Balrog is lurking just as they are.
Finally achieved was to wake up the Balrog.
The fellowship manages to survive thanks to Gandalf’s help.
They are believed to be dead.
am i pronouncing correclty? soa natural?
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