Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Damp"
O significado de "Damp" em várias frases e orações
O que significa damp out?
To "damp out" (or dampen out) means to be so loud that other noises are not heard.
O que significa damping?
facendo umido
O que significa damp in Spanish ?
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Damp"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com humid, mild, pleasant and damp.
It is very humid today.
Your clothes are damp.
The weather is very pleasant.
Can you make it mild.
Those are the ones I commonly hear.
People use them in many different ways.
Your clothes are damp.
The weather is very pleasant.
Can you make it mild.
Those are the ones I commonly hear.
People use them in many different ways.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com damp.
I walked in the rain for 2 hours and now my socks are damp.
The basement is damp and moldy.
Can you please close the door to damp the noise outside?
The basement is damp and moldy.
Can you please close the door to damp the noise outside?
Me mostre frases de exemplo com damp.
The rain made her hair very damp.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com damp.
My hair is damp from the light rain outside.
When I dry my hands on a towel after I wash them the towel is damp.
When I dry my hands on a towel after I wash them the towel is damp.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com damp.
My sweater is still damp. I won't be able to wear it until it dries. This house has damp. Look at all the mould on the walls. Can you dampen my towel for me?
Palavras similares a "Damp" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre damp e moist e humid ?
"Damp" and "moist" can be applied to objects, like "damp/moist soil", as well as to the atmosphere.
"Humid" is only used to describe the atmosphere, such as hot and with moisture in the air.
"Humid" is only used to describe the atmosphere, such as hot and with moisture in the air.
Qual é a diferença entre damp e humid ?
damp is for when anything is a little bit wet.
"I showered recently, so my towel is still damp"
humid is for when the air is wet.
"it's so humid today, it's hard to breathe"
"I showered recently, so my towel is still damp"
humid is for when the air is wet.
"it's so humid today, it's hard to breathe"
Qual é a diferença entre damp (verb) e dampen (verb) ?
"damp" means something is already in that state, whereas "dampen" is to make something moist
Qual é a diferença entre damp e wet ?
Damp means a just little wet, "my hair was damp an hour after I showered."
"My hair was wet in the shower."
"My hair was wet in the shower."
Qual é a diferença entre damp e wet ?
"Wet" means that something has a lot of liquid, such as water, on or inside of it (like cloth or a sponge). "Damp", however, means that there is only a little liquid inside of it, and therefore will not leave liquid on your hand if you touch it. A towel may be damp after you use it and let it sit for a while.
Outras perguntas sobre "Damp"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar damn/ damp.
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