Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Drivers"
O significado de "Drivers" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Drivers have to keep their pace up in order to deliver goods on time.
what is the meaning of up?Does it sound natural??
what is the meaning of up?Does it sound natural??
In this sentence, "up" means "fast".
Yes, it sounds natural.
Yes, it sounds natural.
Outras perguntas sobre "Drivers"
Drivers should always keep in mind that they might kill someone if they are careless about their driving. soa natural?
× Drivers should always keep in mind that they might kill someone if they are careless about their driving.
✓ Drivers should always keep in mind that they might kill someone if they drive carelessly
✓ Drivers should always keep in mind that they might kill someone if they drive carelessly
Drivers, in general, don't seem to care much about driving under influence. I think that's due to a paltry punitive measure. soa natural?
Only change I would make is "Driving under the influence". It's a turn-of-phrase. "Driving under the influence"... of alcohol. "Driving under the influence"... of drugs.
Drivers are grounding their vehicles prior to unloading.
What does “grounding their vehicles” mean?
What does “grounding their vehicles” mean?
Grounding is for trucks dealing with flammable materials like propane and gas.
Basically, the static electricity comes from the human body, not the vehicle. The spark can ignite fuel on the vehicle and explode.
Drivers use a ground connection and insert it into a grounding station. Not sure if you can only use the earth for grounding your vehicle. I just know there was strict laws and procedures on how to do this correctly.
It is required by law for drivers transporting flammable materials. It’s not just trucks but also trains as well.
Grounding is for trucks dealing with flammable materials like propane and gas.
Basically, the static electricity comes from the human body, not the vehicle. The spark can ignite fuel on the vehicle and explode.
Drivers use a ground connection and insert it into a grounding station. Not sure if you can only use the earth for grounding your vehicle. I just know there was strict laws and procedures on how to do this correctly.
It is required by law for drivers transporting flammable materials. It’s not just trucks but also trains as well.
Drivers whose cars which ending with odd number in the number plate can use their cars on Monday soa natural?
Drivers whose cars end with an odd number on the license plate can use their cars on Monday.
Could you correct my English?
Drivers must focus on driving.
In Japan, there were a few car accidents by drivers who was playing pokemon- go during drive.
Unfortunately, several/a few people died by the accidents last year.
Drivers must focus on driving.
In Japan, there were a few car accidents by drivers who was playing pokemon- go during drive.
Unfortunately, several/a few people died by the accidents last year.
In Japan, there were a few car accidents by drivers who WERE playing Pokémon GO WHILE DRIVING.
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