Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Emotional"
O significado de "Emotional" em várias frases e orações
O que significa I'm rather emotional myself.?
Means the person is admitting to feeling very emotional -feeling up and down/ experiencing strong emotions. He/she is stressing himself/ herself by using ‘myself’.
O que significa emotional?
When you are letting your heart think over your brain.
Someone can be overly emotional meaning they have very strong feelings and might cry often, but also will laugh often.
If a movie, book, or performance is emotional, then that means that it made you feel a lot of different emotions in the short span it was being watched.
Someone can be overly emotional meaning they have very strong feelings and might cry often, but also will laugh often.
If a movie, book, or performance is emotional, then that means that it made you feel a lot of different emotions in the short span it was being watched.
O que significa emotional hijacking?
"All of us, sooner or later, we have been victims of these emotional hijackings. There are times when we stop thinking, we’re carried away by feelings and, after that critical moment, we do not remember very well what we did or why."
That's more of a psychology question than an English question. I didn't know the defintion until I searched it. Hope this helps.
That's more of a psychology question than an English question. I didn't know the defintion until I searched it. Hope this helps.
O que significa so damn emotional ?
Very emotional
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Emotional"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com an emotional rollercoaster.
"Bro my last relationship was an emotional rollercoast, that girl was nuts"
"I'm going through an emotional rollercoast now, I don't know if I can go to school anymore"
Hope this helps.
"I'm going through an emotional rollercoast now, I don't know if I can go to school anymore"
Hope this helps.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com an emotional rollercoaster.
Watching that movie made me cry so hard. I was an emotional roller coaster.
I was so stressed out over the test I went through an emotional rollercoaster.
I was so stressed out over the test I went through an emotional rollercoaster.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com emotional.
He got emotional when he heard that his best friend passed away
Me mostre frases de exemplo com emotional.
The emotional speech brought the audience to tears.
She felt emotional after her dog died.
She felt emotional after her dog died.
Palavras similares a "Emotional" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre emotional e affectionate e sentimental ?
"emotional" is more broad, but "sentimental" and "affectionate" are more specific.
"emotional" can be used to describe intense expressions of emotion, of any kind.
For Example:
"Hey Katie, how was your weekend?"
"Great! I went to my cousin's wedding. I started crying during the ceremony."
"Really? Why were you crying? Did something bad happen at the wedding?
"No not at all! They were just so happy together, and I just started crying. I get a little emotional sometimes."
Here, Katie is not crying because she is sad, her intense feelings of happiness were so big, she started crying. A very emotional response.
With the word "affectionate" this is used to describe someone showing fondness. Usually not love, but a strong positive emotion instead.
For Example:
"Sadie gave her friend Michael an affectionate hug."
By using the word "affectionate", you can understand that Sadie may not love Michael romantically, but she feels very warm towards him.
"sentimental" is a word used to describe something that makes you recall positive memories.
For Example:
"Hey Josh! Look at all these photos of us from high school."
"Oh my god Ashley, we look so young, this must have been 15 years ago."
"Can you believe it has been 15 years since we were in high school? These photos make me feel pretty sentimental."
In this context, when Ashley says she feels sentimental, it means she's remembering fond memories from her past.
"emotional" can be used to describe intense expressions of emotion, of any kind.
For Example:
"Hey Katie, how was your weekend?"
"Great! I went to my cousin's wedding. I started crying during the ceremony."
"Really? Why were you crying? Did something bad happen at the wedding?
"No not at all! They were just so happy together, and I just started crying. I get a little emotional sometimes."
Here, Katie is not crying because she is sad, her intense feelings of happiness were so big, she started crying. A very emotional response.
With the word "affectionate" this is used to describe someone showing fondness. Usually not love, but a strong positive emotion instead.
For Example:
"Sadie gave her friend Michael an affectionate hug."
By using the word "affectionate", you can understand that Sadie may not love Michael romantically, but she feels very warm towards him.
"sentimental" is a word used to describe something that makes you recall positive memories.
For Example:
"Hey Josh! Look at all these photos of us from high school."
"Oh my god Ashley, we look so young, this must have been 15 years ago."
"Can you believe it has been 15 years since we were in high school? These photos make me feel pretty sentimental."
In this context, when Ashley says she feels sentimental, it means she's remembering fond memories from her past.
Qual é a diferença entre emotional e moody ?
She has been emotional since losing her brother. People are emotional at weddings and funerals. My teenage son is very moody. I can be moody when I'm having my period.
Qual é a diferença entre emotional e sentimental ?
Sentimental is relating to not wanting to let something go, I would be sentimental about throwing out my first baseball glove.
Emotional usually means sad, like "I'm feeling very emotional"
Emotional usually means sad, like "I'm feeling very emotional"
Qual é a diferença entre emotional e semtimental ?
Emotional: showing extreme emotions example: very angry, very sad
Person A: *crying, throwing things*
Person B: Stop being so emotional.
Sentimental: nostalgic, warm love feeling, family feelings
example: seeing an old birthday card from childhood makes you feel sentimental
Person A: *finds baby shoes from early childhood*
Person B: Hey you should sell those!
Person A: No way! These are very sentimental to me!
Person A: *crying, throwing things*
Person B: Stop being so emotional.
Sentimental: nostalgic, warm love feeling, family feelings
example: seeing an old birthday card from childhood makes you feel sentimental
Person A: *finds baby shoes from early childhood*
Person B: Hey you should sell those!
Person A: No way! These are very sentimental to me!
Qual é a diferença entre emotional e sentimental ?
sentimental infers happy emotions
emotional is any strong emotion but in most cases used to infer negative emotions.
emotional is any strong emotion but in most cases used to infer negative emotions.
Traduções de "Emotional"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? emotional
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? why I'm emotional
You are very close ! (I'm =I am)so that would be implying you are emotional . but you are asking a question so in this case you say " why am I emotional?"
Outras perguntas sobre "Emotional"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar emotional .
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar emotional.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar emotional.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar emotional.
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