Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Explication"
O significado de "Explication" em várias frases e orações
O que significa explication?
it is a process or analyzing an idea in detail
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Explication"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com « You got it » avec des explications svp..
I can only think of two usages. One is about someone’s understanding and the other is as a response to a request to do something.
“Do I understand this correctly?”
“You got it!” (You understand it)
“Can you hand me that pencil?”
“You got it.” (Yes, I can do that for you)
I can only think of two usages. One is about someone’s understanding and the other is as a response to a request to do something.
“Do I understand this correctly?”
“You got it!” (You understand it)
“Can you hand me that pencil?”
“You got it.” (Yes, I can do that for you)
Palavras similares a "Explication" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre explication e explication ?
Explanation is the general word for explaining anything that's puzzling or unclear.
Explication is used mainly in the context of unfolding the meaning of a literary text, as in literary criticism or textual interpretation.
is that what you want?
Explanation is the general word for explaining anything that's puzzling or unclear.
Explication is used mainly in the context of unfolding the meaning of a literary text, as in literary criticism or textual interpretation.
is that what you want?
Qual é a diferença entre explication e explanation ?
Very interesting question! Coming from a Portuguese/Spanish background, we use the first word (in our Latin languages) as what would be the synonym of 'explanation' in English.
However, in English both terms have subtle but significant differences:
Explication means to 'develop an idea in detail', which is similar to explanation's definition of 'a reason or justification given for an action or belief'.
However, as you can see from the definitions, explication means to go into detail to answer it, meanwhile, an explanation could be simpler (although not always the case).
Last but not least, explication can also mean to 'analyze a literary work in order to reveal its meaning', which many times refers to inferring meaning from implicit aspects. This once again shows that explication goes deeper than a simple explanation.
I hope this was helpful!
However, in English both terms have subtle but significant differences:
Explication means to 'develop an idea in detail', which is similar to explanation's definition of 'a reason or justification given for an action or belief'.
However, as you can see from the definitions, explication means to go into detail to answer it, meanwhile, an explanation could be simpler (although not always the case).
Last but not least, explication can also mean to 'analyze a literary work in order to reveal its meaning', which many times refers to inferring meaning from implicit aspects. This once again shows that explication goes deeper than a simple explanation.
I hope this was helpful!
Qual é a diferença entre "explication" e "explanation" ?
Agree w/ @ArcticFoxx: "explication” is almost never used in US English. Americans will 99.9% say "explanation" (Unless they're former French lit majors who did a lot of "explication de texte"). :-)
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