Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Farming"
O significado de "Farming" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Farming practices in the poultry industry are under increased scrutiny lately.?
This sentence is saying that the process of raising chickens within the farming sector (either for producing eggs or for the meat) is being looked into more than it had previously been. This is from a regulatory standpoint, meaning that those who set laws and processes around poultry farming are assessing the current situation. There could be many reasons for this, but the "increased scrutiny" part implies that something has been uncovered (for example, through a review) that is a bad practice they want to stop.
O que significa Farming for less than $10 a day.?
A very low wage. Please don't take this job 😂
Palavras similares a "Farming" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre "Farming" e "Cultivation" e what's the most common word for farming plants? ?
"Farming" is used much more often. "Cultivation" sounds more scientific.
Traduções de "Farming"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "Remote Farming Village House Near Shenzhen Border!"
@Manilox My bad! I meant to post it under Spanish : )
Outras perguntas sobre "Farming"
Farming looks mighty easy when ... you're a thousand miles from the corn field. ― Dwight D. Eisenhower. What do you make of this statement?
I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing easier than it actually is and I agree with him. When I watch people singing and dancing on YouTube, I think it looks easier, but they are much more difficult than I expected when I try to do the same things. soa natural?
I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing easier than it actually is and I agree with him. When I watch people singing and dancing on YouTube, I think it looks easier, but they are much more difficult than I expected when I try to do the same things. soa natural?
× Farming looks mighty easy when ... you're a thousand miles from the corn field.
✓ Farming looks mighty easy when when you're a thousand miles from the corn field.
× I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing easier than it actually is and I agree with him.
✓ I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing to be easier than it actually is, and I agree with him.
× When I watch people singing and dancing on YouTube, I think it looks easier, but they are much more difficult than I expected when I try to do the same things.
✓ When I watch people sing or dance on YouTube, I think it looks easy, but it turns out to be much more difficult than I expect when I try to do the same things.
✓ Farming looks mighty easy when when you're a thousand miles from the corn field.
× I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing easier than it actually is and I agree with him.
✓ I think he means people tend to expect what others are doing to be easier than it actually is, and I agree with him.
× When I watch people singing and dancing on YouTube, I think it looks easier, but they are much more difficult than I expected when I try to do the same things.
✓ When I watch people sing or dance on YouTube, I think it looks easy, but it turns out to be much more difficult than I expect when I try to do the same things.
Farming ask a lot of work to do. soa natural?
AmberJ is correct...
"Farming requires a lot of work."
"Farming is a lot of hard work."
"Farmers are really hard workers."
"Farming requires a lot of work."
"Farming is a lot of hard work."
"Farmers are really hard workers."
Farming is hard to make. soa natural?
" Farming is hard." is good.
Farming experiences, such as planting and harvesting rice, as well as rice cake making, are also available when in season. soa natural?
I think this sounds quite natural. I understand it easily.
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