Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Fierce"
O significado de "Fierce" em várias frases e orações
O que significa fierce?
When I think of "fierce" I think of a "fierce look" which would be eyes slightly closed with a focused and aggressive expression.
In my opinion "fierce" is always used positively in our culture. Describing someone in sports or business as a "fierce competitor" is common and considered good. 10 years ago when I was in high school, it was common for girls to call themselves and each other fierce and it was a compliment.
So what does it mean? To me, when you are fierce, you are focused, determined, aggressive, tenacious, strong, likely you are willing to fight, metaphorically and possibly literally.
You could say that two sports teams have a "fierce rivalry" too. In this case the players and fans probably don't like each other and the players might get more physical when they play - this physicality could be within the rules or outside of the rules and therefore result in penalties.
¿Te ayudé?
In my opinion "fierce" is always used positively in our culture. Describing someone in sports or business as a "fierce competitor" is common and considered good. 10 years ago when I was in high school, it was common for girls to call themselves and each other fierce and it was a compliment.
So what does it mean? To me, when you are fierce, you are focused, determined, aggressive, tenacious, strong, likely you are willing to fight, metaphorically and possibly literally.
You could say that two sports teams have a "fierce rivalry" too. In this case the players and fans probably don't like each other and the players might get more physical when they play - this physicality could be within the rules or outside of the rules and therefore result in penalties.
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O que significa he's fierce ?
O que significa fierce?
I think of really intense. In the case of people or animals, I would add an intent to kill/win at all costs.
A "fierce competitor" is someone who always aims to win with all of their effort.
A fierce predator is something like a tiger or an angry bear.
A fire that burns fiercely is a fire that is raging and possibly out of control.
A "fierce competitor" is someone who always aims to win with all of their effort.
A fierce predator is something like a tiger or an angry bear.
A fire that burns fiercely is a fire that is raging and possibly out of control.
O que significa fierce ?
significa feroz
O que significa fierce?
@yoselinpff: It sort of means intense in a way. Or it means intimidating.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Fierce"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com fierce.
Traditionally it means really aggressive
“The lion had a fierce roar.”
“The hurricane was fierce.”
It became slang to describe someone’s fearless look or attitude
“Her new fire red hair was fierce”
“Naomi Cambell was fierce on the runway.”
Not as popular of a slang term with youth anymore but I sometimes hear sports announcers say it as in
“Simone Biles is fierce on the mat.”
“The lion had a fierce roar.”
“The hurricane was fierce.”
It became slang to describe someone’s fearless look or attitude
“Her new fire red hair was fierce”
“Naomi Cambell was fierce on the runway.”
Not as popular of a slang term with youth anymore but I sometimes hear sports announcers say it as in
“Simone Biles is fierce on the mat.”
Me mostre frases de exemplo com fierce.
That tiger is rather fierce. Even with the glass, I don't like being close to it.
She gave me a fierce stare, and I backed down immediately.
She gave me a fierce stare, and I backed down immediately.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com fierce.
Stop ! You are too fierce ...
Me mostre frases de exemplo com fierce.
He fought a fierce battle.
The storm came through with fierce winds.
She dedicated herself to her studies with fierce determination.
Fierce means having or displaying intense aggressiveness.
The storm came through with fierce winds.
She dedicated herself to her studies with fierce determination.
Fierce means having or displaying intense aggressiveness.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com fierce.
@pavels: "She whipped up something fierce" (means that she made food in a fierce way, or aggressively and quickly, and also the food was incredibly delicious)
"He looked at her fiercely"
"He looked at her fiercely"
Palavras similares a "Fierce" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre fierce e ferocious
Ferocious is a stronger term than fierce.
Qual é a diferença entre fierce e intense ?
Fierce is a more aggressive term than intense. A lion is fierce. I can have an intense focus but be very still. You probably wouldn’t say a person had a fierce focus.
“He will do anything to beat his opponent. He is a fierce competitor.”
“She works very hard and trains seven days a week. She is a very intense competitor.”
Rollercoasters are too intense for me. I don’t like them.
Federer can serve a tennis ball at over 130 miles per hour. He really has a fierce serve!
“He will do anything to beat his opponent. He is a fierce competitor.”
“She works very hard and trains seven days a week. She is a very intense competitor.”
Rollercoasters are too intense for me. I don’t like them.
Federer can serve a tennis ball at over 130 miles per hour. He really has a fierce serve!
Qual é a diferença entre fierce e brutal e cruel ?
Fierce = no fear, no holding back; in slang, it can actually be a compliment, especially in the gay community. For example, "that dance was fierce."
Brutal had a more negative meaning, a bit like "unnecessarily violent"
Brutal had a more negative meaning, a bit like "unnecessarily violent"
Qual é a diferença entre fierce e ferocious ?
Unfortunately, the ferocious tiger ate my girlfriend's little dog.
Unfortunately my girlfriend's little dog wasn't fierce enough, and was eaten by the tiger.
The Russian troops faced fierce resistance in Afghanistan. (very common wording)
The Russian troops faced ferocious resistance in Afghanistan. (very natural, but slightly less common wording)
Unfortunately, the ferocious tiger ate my girlfriend's little dog.
Unfortunately my girlfriend's little dog wasn't fierce enough, and was eaten by the tiger.
The Russian troops faced fierce resistance in Afghanistan. (very common wording)
The Russian troops faced ferocious resistance in Afghanistan. (very natural, but slightly less common wording)
Traduções de "Fierce"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? fierce
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? fierce
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Although, fierce
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? fierce
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Outras perguntas sobre "Fierce"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar fierce .
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar fierce .
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