Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Head"
O significado de "Head" em várias frases e orações
O que significa He's got a good head on his shoulders.?
He is smart and is good at making good decisions.
O que significa Getting over one's head ?
typically it’s “don’t get in over your head”, meaning don’t get full of yourself or don’t take on more than you can handle
O que significa "I've been in my head for a minute"?
It's not a common turn of a phase, but I'd guess they meant "I was distracted (thinking about something)" or "I spaced out there for a minute".
O que significa 「my head is on Jupiter」?
It's not an expression. He's saying his mind is somewhere far away, like on Jupiter. He can't concentrate on his essay.
O que significa "My head was too stupid to think, and I made up my mind to keep perfectly mum. Yes, even if they tried thumbscrews." "even if they tried thumbscrews." ??
"even if they tried torturing me with thumbscrews to get me to talk". "thumbscrews" are a medieval torture device.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Head"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com head's up.
This is just a heads up, the VP of marketing will be visiting the office tomorrow. Give the guys a heads up, there is an inspector sniffing around looking for something to do. Just a heads up, we have several last minute projects to finish, so don't be planning any vacations for the next couple months.
I am using a rather loose and informal way of speaking, because 'heads up' is an informal term.
I am using a rather loose and informal way of speaking, because 'heads up' is an informal term.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com get a head start on.
I have a large project coming up. I need to get a head start on it.
I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. I’ll get a head start on it and cook a few things earlier in the week.
John was a slow runner, so we gave him a head start in the race.
A head start means to begin something before you have to. You can replace it with get started, but get started could also mean you need to get started because you’re behind schedule.
This project is due tomorrow. I need to get started on it. (I should have started last week.)
I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. I’ll get a head start on it and cook a few things earlier in the week.
John was a slow runner, so we gave him a head start in the race.
A head start means to begin something before you have to. You can replace it with get started, but get started could also mean you need to get started because you’re behind schedule.
This project is due tomorrow. I need to get started on it. (I should have started last week.)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com bury head in sand.
it's not a very common saying. You can use it to express shyness. "I felt so embarrassed i could bury my head in the sand"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com off the top of my head.
Positive: After I finished my presentation, someone asked me a difficult question, and then I came up with an answer off the top of my head.
Negative: I don't know how to answer the question. I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
Negative: I don't know how to answer the question. I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com head off.
Head off means to leave and go in a certain direction.
He took the hall pass and headed off to the bathroom.
The movie ended with the protagonist heading off on horseback into the sunset.
She grabbed the keys and headed off to the store to buy some last-minute hors d'oeuvres for the party.
He took the hall pass and headed off to the bathroom.
The movie ended with the protagonist heading off on horseback into the sunset.
She grabbed the keys and headed off to the store to buy some last-minute hors d'oeuvres for the party.
Palavras similares a "Head" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre giving a heads up e giving an update ?
Giving a heads up means to alert someone that something is going to happen. (Eg a teacher gives her students a heads up that they will have an unexpected exam next week) (A person’s head tends to go up whee they are alerted to something ). An update just means you are giving someone the latest information on something (eg an incident that the news has been covering for days) or even the most recent version of something (eg a computer software update). (You are bringing someone /something up to date)
Qual é a diferença entre toward e heading ?
Toward and heading are usually used in the same sentence, sometimes, but it means to go in a specific direction. Both are very similar in meaning; it’s the context that would be different.
Towards refers to come at something, straight down the line or in front.
Heading refers to a nonspecific direction but an action of going somewhere,
For example:
“Come towards the house.”
“Go towards the park.”
“Run towards the water.”
“Swim towards the shallow end.”
“If we keep moving towards the city, we should see the hotel building soon.”
More examples:
“I’m heading your way.”
“Just Keep heading the way you originally planned.”
“I’m heading out.” Aka leaving
“Are you heading south?”
“There should be a gas station up ahead.”
“They are running ahead of us.”
“Please, you can go ahead.”
“Go ahead.”
Examples together:
“I’m heading towards the building now.”
“Are you heading towards the pool?”
I hope this helps 😊✨
방향과 표제는 보통 같은 문장에서 쓰이지만, 특정 방향으로 가는 것을 의미합니다. 두 가지는 의미가 매우 유사합니다. 다른 맥락일 것입니다.
Towards 은 직선으로 내리거나 앞에 있는 어떤 곳에서 오는 것을 말합니다.
헤딩은 특정하지 않은 방향이지만 어딘가로 가는 행동을 말합니다.
예를 들어 다음과 같습니다.
"집으로 오세요."
"공원 쪽으로 가세요."
"물을 향해 뛰어요."
"천천히 헤엄쳐요."
"만약 우리가 도시를 향해 계속 간다면, 우리는 곧 호텔 건물을 볼 수 있을 것입니다."
기타 예는 다음과 같습니다.
"제가 가는 길이에요."
"당신이 원래 계획했던 대로 계속 진행하세요."
"나가요." 아카 떠나요
"남쪽으로 가십니까?"
"저 앞에 주유소가 있을 거예요."
"그들은 우리보다 앞서 달리고 있습니다."
"제발, 먼저 가세요."
"계속 하세요."
예를 들어 보겠습니다.
"저는 지금 건물 쪽으로 가고 있습니다."
"당신은 수영장으로 가고 있습니까?"
Towards refers to come at something, straight down the line or in front.
Heading refers to a nonspecific direction but an action of going somewhere,
For example:
“Come towards the house.”
“Go towards the park.”
“Run towards the water.”
“Swim towards the shallow end.”
“If we keep moving towards the city, we should see the hotel building soon.”
More examples:
“I’m heading your way.”
“Just Keep heading the way you originally planned.”
“I’m heading out.” Aka leaving
“Are you heading south?”
“There should be a gas station up ahead.”
“They are running ahead of us.”
“Please, you can go ahead.”
“Go ahead.”
Examples together:
“I’m heading towards the building now.”
“Are you heading towards the pool?”
I hope this helps 😊✨
방향과 표제는 보통 같은 문장에서 쓰이지만, 특정 방향으로 가는 것을 의미합니다. 두 가지는 의미가 매우 유사합니다. 다른 맥락일 것입니다.
Towards 은 직선으로 내리거나 앞에 있는 어떤 곳에서 오는 것을 말합니다.
헤딩은 특정하지 않은 방향이지만 어딘가로 가는 행동을 말합니다.
예를 들어 다음과 같습니다.
"집으로 오세요."
"공원 쪽으로 가세요."
"물을 향해 뛰어요."
"천천히 헤엄쳐요."
"만약 우리가 도시를 향해 계속 간다면, 우리는 곧 호텔 건물을 볼 수 있을 것입니다."
기타 예는 다음과 같습니다.
"제가 가는 길이에요."
"당신이 원래 계획했던 대로 계속 진행하세요."
"나가요." 아카 떠나요
"남쪽으로 가십니까?"
"저 앞에 주유소가 있을 거예요."
"그들은 우리보다 앞서 달리고 있습니다."
"제발, 먼저 가세요."
"계속 하세요."
예를 들어 보겠습니다.
"저는 지금 건물 쪽으로 가고 있습니다."
"당신은 수영장으로 가고 있습니까?"
Qual é a diferença entre I hurt my head. e My head hurts. ?
I fell and hurt my head. Now my head hurts.
My head really hurts, but I didn't do anything to hurt my head.
My head hurts = statement of fact. There is pain in that area.
I hurt my head = I did something to cause pain in that area.
My head really hurts, but I didn't do anything to hurt my head.
My head hurts = statement of fact. There is pain in that area.
I hurt my head = I did something to cause pain in that area.
Qual é a diferença entre over the head e above the haed ?
Over and above both express that something is in a higher position than something else. And, sometimes, you can use either word. The building is above a parking lot. They have the same meaning.
Qual é a diferença entre keep one’s head e cool as a cucumber ?
You can use both of these to refer to somebody who has kept their composure – who has not become rattled or upset. In this sense, they are completely identical.
There is probably some small difference in how they are used – for instance, I would expect that more people would tell another person to "keep their head", while I would expect more people to report that they were "cool as a cucumber". But these kind of things are hard to judge; it's very difficult to predict what people will or won't say.
You can use both of these to refer to somebody who has kept their composure – who has not become rattled or upset. In this sense, they are completely identical.
There is probably some small difference in how they are used – for instance, I would expect that more people would tell another person to "keep their head", while I would expect more people to report that they were "cool as a cucumber". But these kind of things are hard to judge; it's very difficult to predict what people will or won't say.
Traduções de "Head"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Not top off my head
Instead of saying I don't know
Is that sound natural?
Instead of saying I don't know
Is that sound natural?
You could say “Not off the top of my head.” It’s a good expression!
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? his head collided with the table.
his head knocked with the table.
what's the difference?
his head knocked with the table.
what's the difference?
I would say the first one implies something like, he charged into the table and his head slammed against it. The second one sounds more like he was walking by and was pushed by someone so his head bumped against the table. Technically, both have similar meanings, but I would say "collided with the table" sounds more native than "knocked against." Also we would say "knocked against" instead of "knocked with."
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? on my head be it
@Jiapponese Yes、unfortunately in English you words have multiple meaning depending on the context.
wave = 波
wave = 手を振る
In this case "on your head be it" means that the blame or remorse will be on you"
another expression similar to this... "let it be on your shouders" the word "It"referring to the guilt.
wave = 波
wave = 手を振る
In this case "on your head be it" means that the blame or remorse will be on you"
another expression similar to this... "let it be on your shouders" the word "It"referring to the guilt.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Where is the head office of your company?
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Even when you know what to speak in your head it is a different story whether the word actually comes out of your mouth.
We would just say it's hard to put it into words.
It's not coming out right.
It is a completely different idea/story than what I conceptualized.
It's not coming out right.
It is a completely different idea/story than what I conceptualized.
Outras perguntas sobre "Head"
I'm in over my head with this loan shark, and his late fee comes with a crowbar。
what does that mean?
what does that mean?
It means you're in trouble!
"I'm in over my head" = I can no longer handle the situation (the phrase comes from the risk of being in water over your head)
"loan shark" = someone that unofficially/illegally loans you money when a bank won't, usually with high interest
"late fee comes with a crowbar" = if you are late paying the money back, the loan shark will use a crowbar to injure you
"I'm in over my head" = I can no longer handle the situation (the phrase comes from the risk of being in water over your head)
"loan shark" = someone that unofficially/illegally loans you money when a bank won't, usually with high interest
"late fee comes with a crowbar" = if you are late paying the money back, the loan shark will use a crowbar to injure you
What does "banging my head on a computer" mean?
In this context they mean fixing, building, programming computers, whatever his company did. Banging his head implies a difficult/frustrating task. Example. Trying to remove a computer virus that proved to be difficult to get rid of and required more effort than they expected.
What does "my head was tilted much too far to be taken seriously" mean?
Unless, there is more story that I'm missing, she just told us that tilting her head 15 degrees was bad.
She thinks that if her head was tilted too far, the no one would be able to trust her words or think she was reliable because she looked too silly.
She thinks that if her head was tilted too far, the no one would be able to trust her words or think she was reliable because she looked too silly.
Mainly I assist a head chef. And I help other kitchen staff as well. I cook all the menu, cabinet foods including cakes. soa natural?
× Mainly I assist a head chef.
✓ I mainly assist the head chef.
× And I help other kitchen staff as well.
✓ I help other kitchen staff as well.
× I cook all the menu, cabinet foods including cakes.
✓ I cook all the menu, including cakes.
In English, we would probably say “foods (for/from) the pantry” instead of “cabinet foods”. Good work!
✓ I mainly assist the head chef.
× And I help other kitchen staff as well.
✓ I help other kitchen staff as well.
× I cook all the menu, cabinet foods including cakes.
✓ I cook all the menu, including cakes.
In English, we would probably say “foods (for/from) the pantry” instead of “cabinet foods”. Good work!
"Keep your head down and don't tip anyone off."
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