Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Herald"
O significado de "Herald" em várias frases e orações
O que significa heralded?
within the context you offer
it means *proclaimed*
The boy was proclaimed as a Prince .....
A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king.
One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger:
A herald... pre figures the arrival of someone or something important.
Hope this helps :)
within the context you offer
it means *proclaimed*
The boy was proclaimed as a Prince .....
A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king.
One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger:
A herald... pre figures the arrival of someone or something important.
Hope this helps :)
O que significa herald?
In this context, herald means indicate or to suggest that something is about to happen.
O que significa heralded ?
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O que significa herald?
To give news of something or signal something coming. This is old English and is only used in books written about past decades.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Herald"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com heralded.
"he was a man heralded in legends for his bravery."
"the sight of smoke heralded the beginnings of the battle."
it is not a common word at all. has a very old-timey feel
"the sight of smoke heralded the beginnings of the battle."
it is not a common word at all. has a very old-timey feel
Me mostre frases de exemplo com heralded.
Columbus' voyage to the New World heralded the Age of Discovery.
The angels appearing in the sky heralded the arrival of Christ the newborn king.
(It is a rather literary word.)
The angels appearing in the sky heralded the arrival of Christ the newborn king.
(It is a rather literary word.)
Palavras similares a "Herald" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre herald e envoy ?
Herald is usually used in historical and specifically medieval contexts. Envoys still exist in the modern world.
Outras perguntas sobre "Herald"
It’s the herald ofの意味は何ですか?
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