Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Hun"
O significado de "Hun" em várias frases e orações
O que significa hun (to a person)?
It is a short version of "honey," a cute word to call your relationship partner. You can spell it "hun" or "hon" (they are both pronounced the same).
O que significa hey hun u around?
Hun = honey
U = are you?
Around = there
Hi Honey, are you there?
Hun = honey
U = are you?
Around = there
Hi Honey, are you there?
O que significa hun
Hun is a slang term for honey. it's usually used by women when talking to Men. Exp: How was your day Hun.
Huh is if you are confused by something or if you are looking for someone to agree
Exp: Pretty cool, huh?
Exp' A- Did you see the news?
B- huh? no I didn't
Huhn- is another work for chicken but isn't really used.
I hope this helps if you have any more questions please ask.
Keep up the great work!
Huh is if you are confused by something or if you are looking for someone to agree
Exp: Pretty cool, huh?
Exp' A- Did you see the news?
B- huh? no I didn't
Huhn- is another work for chicken but isn't really used.
I hope this helps if you have any more questions please ask.
Keep up the great work!
O que significa Thank you, hun.?
"Hun" is short for "honey". "Honey" is a name people use for friends or loved ones.
O que significa hun?
hun is a reference to you.
Like, what would you like to order hun?
hun is like dear or sweetie.
It can lean more to the feminie side but doesn't always have to refer to women.
Like, what would you like to order hun?
hun is like dear or sweetie.
It can lean more to the feminie side but doesn't always have to refer to women.
Palavras similares a "Hun" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre hun e hon (which one is most popular in Canada) ?
When speaking they’re the Canada both are used ..short form for “honey”
Traduções de "Hun"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? main hun.
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? hun main bola kuchh
now may I speak something.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? hun tu mere nal na ladn lag jai.
now you please don't start fight with me
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? hun sirf apne bare main sochtye hain
we only think about ourselves
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? me thick hun app kese ho
I m fine and how r u
Outras perguntas sobre "Hun"
I’m still working hun x
What does this sentence mean actually?
What does this sentence mean actually?
It means that they are still at work.
“Hun” is a slang word for “honey”. “x” usually represents a kiss.
“Hun” is a slang word for “honey”. “x” usually represents a kiss.
hun jha se ja rhe h soa natural?
hum or hun ? 🤔🤔
hum or hun ? 🤔🤔
hey hun thanx 4 accepting, ya busy right now?
What is mean??
What is mean??
"Hey honey, thanks for accepting. Are you busy now?"
Was this by any chance on a social networking site? I'm assuming this "accepting" is in reference to some kind of friend request.
Was this by any chance on a social networking site? I'm assuming this "accepting" is in reference to some kind of friend request.
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