Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Jealous"
O significado de "Jealous" em várias frases e orações
O que significa I'm jealous!?
"Jealous" has two meanings
The first meaning is that you are angry someone has an advantage over you or has achieved success
- Poor people are often jealous of the rich
- Some of his coworkers were jealous of him because he got promoted
The second meaning is that you are possessive of your romantic partner and worried they will leave you for someone else
- He is a jealous boyfriend
However if someone says "I'm jealous", they often mean "congratulations", but it indicates they are a selfish person
In romantic situations, saying "I'm jealous" means they feel anxious about their partner getting attention from someone else
But the words jealous and envy are often used incorrectly
The first meaning is that you are angry someone has an advantage over you or has achieved success
- Poor people are often jealous of the rich
- Some of his coworkers were jealous of him because he got promoted
The second meaning is that you are possessive of your romantic partner and worried they will leave you for someone else
- He is a jealous boyfriend
However if someone says "I'm jealous", they often mean "congratulations", but it indicates they are a selfish person
In romantic situations, saying "I'm jealous" means they feel anxious about their partner getting attention from someone else
But the words jealous and envy are often used incorrectly
O que significa I'm jealous?
No problem. Yes, you can say "I am jealous of your English speaking skills."
O que significa jealous?
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O que significa jealous ?
It is the feeling towards one person when you want something that she has.
O que significa jealous?
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Exemplo de frases utilisando "Jealous"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com jealous.
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Me mostre frases de exemplo com jealous.
I am jealous of your shoes. I wish I had them but, I can’t afford any better.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com jealous.
•My crush hugged another girl and it made me jealous.
•My dog gets jealous if I pet other dogs.
•I’m so jealous of how pretty my best friend is.
•My dog gets jealous if I pet other dogs.
•I’m so jealous of how pretty my best friend is.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com jealous.
she get jealous in every single thing.
my mom is jealous with my new hair cut.
i get jealous most of the time.
jealous is like a jelly you also need to sway and give way to others. 😄😅
my mom is jealous with my new hair cut.
i get jealous most of the time.
jealous is like a jelly you also need to sway and give way to others. 😄😅
Palavras similares a "Jealous" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre I'm jealous e I envy you ?
みんなは勝手に I'm jealous of your clothes!とか言っていますから、違いをそんなにきにすることではないですね。
みんなは勝手に I'm jealous of your clothes!とか言っていますから、違いをそんなにきにすることではないですね。
Qual é a diferença entre I'm jealous. e I'm envious. ?
"Jealous" and "envious" are basically the same, but "jealous" is more common.
Use "jealous" rather than "envious" if you are using it in a romantic sense ("I think Sally is jealous of her boyfriend's female friend").
Use "jealous" rather than "envious" if you are using it in a romantic sense ("I think Sally is jealous of her boyfriend's female friend").
Qual é a diferença entre jealous e envy ?
I think most people use it in similar ways, but they have slightly different meanings. I don't think you would confuse anyone if you used them interchangeably.
Envy is when we lack a desired thing enjoyed by another.
Jealousy is when something we have is threatened by another person
Envy is when we lack a desired thing enjoyed by another.
Jealousy is when something we have is threatened by another person
Qual é a diferença entre jealous e envy ?
They are both synonyms and mean just about the same thing. However, if I were to say their was a difference. I would have to say, jealousy is longing to be someone or to have their lifestyle. However, envy is a desire to have someone's object.
他们都是同义词,平均几乎同样的事情。但是,如果我说自己是一个区别。我不得不说,嫉妒是渴望有人或者有自己的生活方式。但是,嫉妒是一个有欲望某人的对象。Sorry, I used a translator. :P
他们都是同义词,平均几乎同样的事情。但是,如果我说自己是一个区别。我不得不说,嫉妒是渴望有人或者有自己的生活方式。但是,嫉妒是一个有欲望某人的对象。Sorry, I used a translator. :P
Qual é a diferença entre I'm jealous." e I'm jelly." ?
Jelly is simply a more antagonistic/cuter way of saying jealous. They mean the same thing, but jelly is a more 'playful' way to rub someone's jealousy in their face or, conversely, to make light of your own.
Traduções de "Jealous"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? jealous
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? jealous
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? jealous
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I'm jealous
@sallykyoko yeah😊
Outras perguntas sobre "Jealous"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar jealous.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar I'm jealous.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar jealous.
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jealous soa natural?
That sounded a bit like 'yealous'. It needs to sound like a clear J :)
I'm not jealous soa natural?
Your first one was a bit better than your second one. Jealous is pronounced like "jehlis"
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