Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Mat"
O significado de "Mat" em várias frases e orações
O que significa We mat have close calls due to driving while distracted. In this sentence, what's the meaning of "close calls"??
A "close call" is when something almost happens.
Since they're talking about distracted driving, I assume they're talking about a car accident almost happening, or some other vehicle.
Since they're talking about distracted driving, I assume they're talking about a car accident almost happening, or some other vehicle.
O que significa mat?
There are two definitions for Mat.
1 is a small rug. Can be made out of many materials. Mats can be placed on the floor or on furniture. See attached photo.
2 Mat can also be an action verb. It means to take something like hair and tangle it up severely into a small mess. "Samantha Matted my hair up real bad last night."
1 is a small rug. Can be made out of many materials. Mats can be placed on the floor or on furniture. See attached photo.
2 Mat can also be an action verb. It means to take something like hair and tangle it up severely into a small mess. "Samantha Matted my hair up real bad last night."
O que significa mat?
le paillasson = doormat
O que significa mat not be out of question?
It's possible.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Mat"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com flat with mat.
"He's laying down flat on the ground (on his back)."
"Right on the ground? Eww."
"Well not really, there's a rubber mat under him. A yoga mat, I think."
"Right on the ground? Eww."
"Well not really, there's a rubber mat under him. A yoga mat, I think."
Palavras similares a "Mat" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre mat e pad e cushion ?
a mat is something you put on a flat surface, like the floor.An example to that are doormats.A pad is a soft material that absorbs liquids, and a cushion is something like pillows and a couch. I hope this helped, asked any questions if you need to😁
Qual é a diferença entre mat e rug ?
A mat is small and often meant to get dirty. The thing in front of your door that you wipe your feet on, is a welcome mat. Outside your bath or shower, you likely have a bath mat to step on. A rug doesn't cover an entire room, that's carpet. A rug takes a portion of the floor space and it is kept clean.
Qual é a diferença entre mat e carpet ?
When I think of carpet, I think of the soft material that covers the whole floor in a room, from one wall to another wall.
When I hear "mat", I think of something that's rectangular, and usually small or medium in size. There are floor mats in cars, mats in front of the door when you enter a house (sometimes), rubber mats in restaurant kitchens with holes in them, etc. They could be carpet, rubber, or maybe some other material too.
When I hear "mat", I think of something that's rectangular, and usually small or medium in size. There are floor mats in cars, mats in front of the door when you enter a house (sometimes), rubber mats in restaurant kitchens with holes in them, etc. They could be carpet, rubber, or maybe some other material too.
Qual é a diferença entre mat e cushion e pad ?
A mat can be a welcome mat or something to put in front of a door to wipe shoes on before entering a building.
A cushion can be a cushion on a couch or chair. Is squishy/fluffy.
And a pad usually has some thickness to it. Like a thin cushion for your feet.
Hope this helps!
A cushion can be a cushion on a couch or chair. Is squishy/fluffy.
And a pad usually has some thickness to it. Like a thin cushion for your feet.
Hope this helps!
Qual é a diferença entre mat e cushion ?
Mat is on the floor.
Cushion is a pillow.
Cushion is a pillow.
Traduções de "Mat"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? mat ja
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? late mat karo
don't get late
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? per mat hilaa
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? mat chodo
it is correct
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? has mat pagli pyar ho jayega
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Outras perguntas sobre "Mat"
I got two of the mats you told me about.
I got the two mats you told me about.
Both are gramatically correct?
I got the two mats you told me about.
Both are gramatically correct?
Yes they are.
"I like to spread a mat on the floor and lie on it watching the clear skies in the Hanriver park." soa natural?
× "I like to spread a mat on the floor and lie on it watching the clear skies in the Hanriver park."
✓ "I like to spread a mat on the ground and lie on it watching the clear skies from the Hanriver park."
It would be correct to say that you like to spread a mat on the ground in the Hanriver park to watch the clear skies, but since "in the Hanriver park" came after "watching the clear skies", it is ambiguous. "The skies" aren't in the park - they're above the park, and you are watching them from the park because you are in the park.
✓ "I like to spread a mat on the ground and lie on it watching the clear skies from the Hanriver park."
It would be correct to say that you like to spread a mat on the ground in the Hanriver park to watch the clear skies, but since "in the Hanriver park" came after "watching the clear skies", it is ambiguous. "The skies" aren't in the park - they're above the park, and you are watching them from the park because you are in the park.
This mat absorbs the impulse. soa natural?
I think you want "the mat absorbs the impact"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar mat.
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I spread mat on the grass field and I am lying with my girl friend. soa natural?
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