Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Moisturizer"
O significado de "Moisturizer" em várias frases e orações
O que significa moisturizer?
crema hidratante
crema hidratante
O que significa moisturizer?
A moisturizer is something like lotion or Shea butter that you put on your skin when it's dry so ya it moisturizer the skin
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Moisturizer"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com moisturizer.
I wanted to play in the sun, so I put on lots of sunscreen. After I played for a couple of hours, I took a shower. But my skin still felt dry, so I put moisturizer on.
Palavras similares a "Moisturizer" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre moisturizer e lotion ?
Moisturizer and lotion can be used in pretty much the same way.
Qual é a diferença entre This moisturizer absorbs well e This moisturizer is absorbed well ?
I think the first one sounds like you are explaining about the moisturizer.
The second one sounds like you have put the moisturizer on your skin and telling that the moisturizer has gotten into your skin nicely. However I would phrase it like:
“The moisturizer is absorbed.”
When you say “this moisturizer”, it sounds like you want to emphasize that that one absorbed, but some other one didn’t.
I’m not a native speaker, but this is what I thought:)
I think the first one sounds like you are explaining about the moisturizer.
The second one sounds like you have put the moisturizer on your skin and telling that the moisturizer has gotten into your skin nicely. However I would phrase it like:
“The moisturizer is absorbed.”
When you say “this moisturizer”, it sounds like you want to emphasize that that one absorbed, but some other one didn’t.
I’m not a native speaker, but this is what I thought:)
Traduções de "Moisturizer"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? moisturizer
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? moisturizer
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? moisturizer
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Outras perguntas sobre "Moisturizer"
I’ve already applied some moisturizer on face soa natural?
× I’ve already applied some moisturizer on face
✓ I’ve already put some moisturizer on my face
✓ I’ve already put some moisturizer on my face
After having a shower, I always apply moisturizer on my body quickly. soa natural?
@a0916696157 Almost. You can say
After I take a shower, I apply moisturizer quickly.
or better yet, to sound more natural or colloquial, you can say
After I take a shower, I apply moisturizer right away.
After I take a shower, I apply moisturizer quickly.
or better yet, to sound more natural or colloquial, you can say
After I take a shower, I apply moisturizer right away.
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar moisturizer.
You are smart to look for a moisturizer product. Most of people whose oily skin think they don’t need moisturizer. In fact, moisturizer helps to protect your skin barrier (the outer layers of the skin cells keep the skin moisturized) and reduce oil production in skin. Cetaphil recommend you Dermacontrol Oil Control Moisturizer SPF 30, which helps you moisturize your skin as an UV defender. (For more information, please click here: 456)
soa natural?
soa natural?
You are smart to look for a skin moisturizer. Most people who have oily skin think they don't need a moisturizer, but in fact moisturizer helps to protect your skin barrier (The outer layers of skin cells that keep the skin moisturized) and reduce the oil production of your skin. Cetaphil recommend you the Dermacontrol Oil Control Moisturizer SPF 30, which helps you moisturize your skin as an UV defender. (For more information, please click here: 456)
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