Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Pants"
O significado de "Pants" em várias frases e orações
O que significa you really wear the pants around here.?
The person who wears the pants is the boss.
Think way back to the days when men wore pants and women wore dresses. During that time, men made the money and the rules.
Think way back to the days when men wore pants and women wore dresses. During that time, men made the money and the rules.
O que significa crabby pants
It's something you may say to a child when they are in a bad mood.
Child: "I don't want to go to school!"
Mom: "Well, good morning Mr. Crabby Pants."
Child: "I don't want to go to school!"
Mom: "Well, good morning Mr. Crabby Pants."
O que significa what does my pants are tight mean as an idiom not litetally??
I have seen the idiom meaning as worried, tight is slang for cool but as an idiom it is worried, does this make sense?
O que significa pooping pants ?
It means the person has basically "gone to the washroom" in their pants. This is usually a joke, but sometimes they mean it... You'll probably know when they mean it by the smell 😂
O que significa Your pants are pinching?
@dkj: The pants are too tight.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Pants"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com 'to be pants'.
'It's absolute pants!' = it's rubbish
Me mostre frases de exemplo com you'll wet your pants..
"Did you see the video david posted on facebook? It was sooo hilarious you'll wet your pants!"
"I'll never play resident evil again. It was so scary I almost peed my pants"
"I'll never play resident evil again. It was so scary I almost peed my pants"
Palavras similares a "Pants" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre pants e underwear ?
In American and Australian English pants means trousers, so outerwear such as jeans. In British English pants means underwear only. Whereas I would call trousers pants and underwear 'undies' because I am Australian, in the U.K. pants refers only to underwear.
Qual é a diferença entre pants e trousers ?
In the UK, "pants" are underwear, and "trousers" are what you wear over your underwear.
(In the US, the word "trousers" isn't used and "pants" are what you wear over your underwear.)
(In the US, the word "trousers" isn't used and "pants" are what you wear over your underwear.)
Qual é a diferença entre pants e trousers ?
both pants and trousers you can use, they are all the same ,the only difference is that in the USA they speaks pants and trousers is used in the UK
Qual é a diferença entre pants e trousers ?
Both are same...u can use both of them.
Qual é a diferença entre pants e underwear ?
"Pants/shorts" are something you wear to cover the lower half of your body when in public.
"Underwear" go on before the pants and just cover you're ass and balls.
"Underwear" go on before the pants and just cover you're ass and balls.
Traduções de "Pants"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "Put on your pants." or "Put your pants on."
which one is right?
Put on sth or Put sth on,
turn on sth or turn sth on
which one is right?
Put on sth or Put sth on,
turn on sth or turn sth on
They are both correct. "Put your pants on" sounds more natural to me, personally.
"Turn that light on" also seems more natural than "Turn on that light." But again, both are correct.
"Turn that light on" also seems more natural than "Turn on that light." But again, both are correct.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? pants
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? pants
Pants (UK) = Underwear (US)
Trousers (UK) = Pants (US)
Trousers (UK) = Pants (US)
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? How do you say pants that is "thick" ? You know in winter, you wear pants with thicker fabric.
Snow pants. The big puffy ones right? With all the padding? Like people wear when snowboarding.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? pants
Outras perguntas sobre "Pants"
Your pants seam is crooked. can you straighten it ?
Is it correct?
Is it correct?
Your pants look/seem crooked. Can you straighten it?
Your fly is open. Can you zip it up?
^”fly” of a pair of pants is the zipper between the legs
Your fly is open. Can you zip it up?
^”fly” of a pair of pants is the zipper between the legs
It looks like you got new pants.
It looks like you got a new pair of pants.
Are these expressions similar and natural?
It looks like you got a new pair of pants.
Are these expressions similar and natural?
Yes and they are both natural
How much for a pants alteration?
How much is it to have my pants altered?
How much to have my pants altered.
Which one is more natural?
How much is it to have my pants altered?
How much to have my pants altered.
Which one is more natural?
How much for a pants alteration
Put your dirty pants in the wash= Put your dirty pants in the washing machine.
Is it correct?
Is it correct?
Yes, they mean the same.
Now, make like my pants and split.
Q. What does this sentence mean?
Q. What does this sentence mean?
It's a joke that uses two meanings of "split".
Split can mean to tear, break, come apart, like a pair of pants (trousers) might tear around the crotch or butt. But "split" can also mean to leave quickly or run away.
"Make like my pants and split" is telling someone to go away, but joking that your pants have also split (broken) at some point.
Split can mean to tear, break, come apart, like a pair of pants (trousers) might tear around the crotch or butt. But "split" can also mean to leave quickly or run away.
"Make like my pants and split" is telling someone to go away, but joking that your pants have also split (broken) at some point.
Significados e usos de palavras e frases similares
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