Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Pedantic"
O significado de "Pedantic" em várias frases e orações
O que significa pedantic?
🍵❤️❤️. someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter
O que significa pedantic humor?
"Pedantic" means caring too much about small details. Maybe pedantic humor is hunor based on criticizing a small mistake that most people wouldn't care about.
O que significa pedantic?
A pedantic person is too legalistic...they are overly focused on details that don’t matter.
O que significa pedantic?
“Pedantic” means caring too much about unimportant rules or details.
“Our history professor’s teaching style was so pedantic we always fell asleep in class.”
“Many English teachers in Japan have a very pedantic approach to the language because they concentrate too much on the grammar and dictionary meanings of words, without really caring for actual conversation.”
“Our history professor’s teaching style was so pedantic we always fell asleep in class.”
“Many English teachers in Japan have a very pedantic approach to the language because they concentrate too much on the grammar and dictionary meanings of words, without really caring for actual conversation.”
O que significa pedantic?
being overly concerned with minor details when they usually don't matter.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Pedantic"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com pedantic .
"That's not how you pronounce it, you put a little more stress on the 'e'..."
"Oh don't be pedantic Joey. Everyone pronounces it this way."
It means that people find you to be annoying when you're always trying to correct them about minor things that aren't important.
"Oh don't be pedantic Joey. Everyone pronounces it this way."
It means that people find you to be annoying when you're always trying to correct them about minor things that aren't important.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com pedantic.
That is an uncommon word. I had to look it up.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com pedantic.
"He was very pedantic when it came to cooking"
It means that he is very specific and particular in his behaviour
It means that he is very specific and particular in his behaviour
Me mostre frases de exemplo com pedantic .
He is very pedantic. This feature of him makes he look ver concerned.
She is not pedantic. She does not care about any detail.
She is not pedantic. She does not care about any detail.
Outras perguntas sobre "Pedantic"
what does it mean "pedantic"? soa natural?
× what does it mean "pedantic"?
✓ what does "pedantic" mean?
pedantic means “showing of knowledge” or “overly-concerned with formal rules in learning”
✓ what does "pedantic" mean?
pedantic means “showing of knowledge” or “overly-concerned with formal rules in learning”
I don’t want to be pedantic about it but... soa natural?
Yup perfect.
I think I'd personally say it as:. "Not to be pedantic but...."
I think I'd personally say it as:. "Not to be pedantic but...."
You're so pedantic! Don't need to care about details. soa natural?
I would say: "You're so pedantic! You don't need to care about the details."
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