Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Plainly"
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Plainly"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com plainly.
-She dresses plainly
-the stars were plainly visible last night
-he explained it plainly
-you're plainly wrong
-plainly, we must do something about global warming
-the stars were plainly visible last night
-he explained it plainly
-you're plainly wrong
-plainly, we must do something about global warming
Me mostre frases de exemplo com plainly.
Please speak plainly so I can understand you.
It was plainly time to leave.
She dresses very plainly.
The ocean is plainly visible from the top of the mountain.
Please speak plainly so I can understand you.
It was plainly time to leave.
She dresses very plainly.
The ocean is plainly visible from the top of the mountain.
Palavras similares a "Plainly" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre plainly e honestly ?
"Plainly" usually means 'without added information'.
"Honestly" means 'truthfully'.
Sometimes they mean the same thing, but not always.
Example. I am wearing a white dress, and I get dirt on it. My friend A tells me "Oh, there's a tiny bit of dirt, it's just to the left there." I'll say "Tell me plainly where it is." My friend B says "It's not that bad! You can't see it!" I'll say "Tell me honestly, does it look bad?"
"Honestly" means 'truthfully'.
Sometimes they mean the same thing, but not always.
Example. I am wearing a white dress, and I get dirt on it. My friend A tells me "Oh, there's a tiny bit of dirt, it's just to the left there." I'll say "Tell me plainly where it is." My friend B says "It's not that bad! You can't see it!" I'll say "Tell me honestly, does it look bad?"
Qual é a diferença entre plainly e openly ?
They are similar in certain contexts.
It's plainly obvious she doesn't like him.
She is very open about the fact she doesn't like him.
In both cases, she is hiding nothing.
It's plainly obvious she doesn't like him.
She is very open about the fact she doesn't like him.
In both cases, she is hiding nothing.
Qual é a diferença entre plainly e frankly ?
Plainlyと franklyの違いはありません。意味はおなじでさ。'Can I speak plainly?' and 'Can I speak frankly?' mean the same thing.
Significados e usos de palavras e frases similares
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