Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Pole"
O significado de "Pole" em várias frases e orações
O que significa It simply decided on its own to balance the pole.
→ Something, or perhaps an animal, balanced the pole. Figuratively, "it made the decision to do so".
O que significa The pole was right in my line of vision.?
The pole was in the direction that I was looking. I did not have to change the direction that I was looking, to see the pole. The pole was in the middle of my field of view.
O que significa pole position?
In a car race with many cars, I think at the start of the race the car at the front is said to be in pole position.
O que significa 12-foot pole?
Is the context, "I wouldn't touch it with a 12-foot pole"?
If so, that phrase is an idiom that expresses extreme dislike of something-- you dislike something so much, that you would not go near it, you would not touch it-- you wouldn't even touch it with a very long object!
If so, that phrase is an idiom that expresses extreme dislike of something-- you dislike something so much, that you would not go near it, you would not touch it-- you wouldn't even touch it with a very long object!
O que significa At either pole the sun never rises more than 23.5 degrees.?
Em qualquer dos pólos, o sol nunca aumenta mais de 23,5 graus
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Pole"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com ….holding ….by poles
I saw this usage from this sentence: “Dragon dances include multiple people holding the
dragon costume up by poles.” Would like to have more daily expression of holding by poles. .
I saw this usage from this sentence: “Dragon dances include multiple people holding the
dragon costume up by poles.” Would like to have more daily expression of holding by poles. .
This sentence just means the tradition is done by people USING the poles to hold up the dragon.
Here are some examples with this same structure:
“She is holding onto her by the hair” = she’s using another girl’s hair to hold onto her
“They’re holding on by the necklace” = they’re using the necklace to hold on to
Hope this helps :)
Here are some examples with this same structure:
“She is holding onto her by the hair” = she’s using another girl’s hair to hold onto her
“They’re holding on by the necklace” = they’re using the necklace to hold on to
Hope this helps :)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com poles apart.
Ne ha la significa di molto differente, perché il polo nord e il polo sud sono molto lontani l'uno dall'altro
"They may be married but they are are poles apart"
"My sister and I are poles apart"
"Those two ideas are poles apart"
"These two products are poles apart"
"They may be married but they are are poles apart"
"My sister and I are poles apart"
"Those two ideas are poles apart"
"These two products are poles apart"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com pole.
Pole vaulting is an olympic sport.
The barber pole out front was always a welcome sight when he went to get his hair cut.
A support pole will help the sunflowers stand tall as they grow higher and higher.
In gym class, the children practiced high jumping, being careful not to knock down the pole.
The pole dancer kept it a secret from her young children that this was her job.
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.
The barber pole out front was always a welcome sight when he went to get his hair cut.
A support pole will help the sunflowers stand tall as they grow higher and higher.
In gym class, the children practiced high jumping, being careful not to knock down the pole.
The pole dancer kept it a secret from her young children that this was her job.
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.
Palavras similares a "Pole" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre pole e bar e rod ?
Examples of a pole:
- Stripper pole
- Flag pole
- Light pole
Typically long skinny piece of medal or wood. Stuck into the ground outside or used to hang stuff. Also used as support for things like a tent pole
Examples of a bar:
-Gymnastics bar
-Ballet bar
- jail bars
Smaller lots of times wooden. Bars can be used to hold things on or play/ swing on. And for mechanical uses
Examples of a rod
-Fishing rod
-Shower rod
-Curtain rod
Rods typically are again smaller and steel. Stick wand or staff like. Can be used to hold things.
Lots of these terms can be used interchangeably and sometimes an object is a pole and not a rod because it just is after thinking into it it is making me confused. I just have it memorized whether one thing is a pole bar or rad.
- Stripper pole
- Flag pole
- Light pole
Typically long skinny piece of medal or wood. Stuck into the ground outside or used to hang stuff. Also used as support for things like a tent pole
Examples of a bar:
-Gymnastics bar
-Ballet bar
- jail bars
Smaller lots of times wooden. Bars can be used to hold things on or play/ swing on. And for mechanical uses
Examples of a rod
-Fishing rod
-Shower rod
-Curtain rod
Rods typically are again smaller and steel. Stick wand or staff like. Can be used to hold things.
Lots of these terms can be used interchangeably and sometimes an object is a pole and not a rod because it just is after thinking into it it is making me confused. I just have it memorized whether one thing is a pole bar or rad.
Qual é a diferença entre pole e rod ?
Both a pole and a rod are long slender pieces of wood or metal. The only difference is that a pole is placed or fixed on the ground as a support. Like a pole that’s cemented to hold up a street sign. Or a pole used for pole dancing. A rod is not fixed to something.
Qual é a diferença entre pole e stick ?
Poles are long and tall. Sticks are short and usually made out of wood.
Qual é a diferença entre walking pole e walking stick ?
pole is the stick for skiing
walking stick is used for walking
walking stick is used for walking
Traduções de "Pole"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? the pole that holds the cables
[electric/utility] pole (si es poste que sostiene los cables).
Lamppost (si también es poste de luz)
Para poste en general, puedes dejarlo en pole nada más.
Lamppost (si también es poste de luz)
Para poste en general, puedes dejarlo en pole nada más.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What you think about the poles?
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? poles apart
Pulls apart
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? pole
Not sure if I translated your Polish right but I think it means 'field' :))
Outras perguntas sobre "Pole"
1) Which pole is colder?
2) Which pole is the colder?
are they both correct?
2) Which pole is the colder?
are they both correct?
the first sentence is correct.
the second one should be "Which pole is the coldest?"
the second one should be "Which pole is the coldest?"
What do you call this ?
a pole with a street name
a pole with a street name
that's a streetlamp with a sign on it (you can see the light on the top.) Normally they wouldn't have signs on them
I bumped into an electric pole while I was drunk. soa natural?
You can say it like you said it, but it would be more natural if you said:
I walked into an electric pole when I was drunk.
I walked into an electric pole when I was drunk.
I bumped into an electric pole since I was drunken by alcohol. soa natural?
"I bumped into an electric pole because I was drunk"
"I was drunk and bumped into an electric pole"
"I was drunk and bumped into an electric pole"
You should firmly fix the pole with a rope not to have it flied by the wind. soa natural?
The beginning sounds natural! But I think that "blown" would be a better word. ". . . rope so that it is not blown by the wind."
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