Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Rectangle"
O significado de "Rectangle" em várias frases e orações
O que significa 'this (in the green rectangle) 👇'?
If you made a list of the weapons the Ukrainian military wants, from most wanted to least wanted, the HIMARS would always be near the top of the list.
O que significa rectangles?
A “rectangle” is a shape. “Rectangles” is plural.
Palavras similares a "Rectangle" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre rectangle e oblong ?
They mean the same thing.
Qual é a diferença entre rectangle e buttercup ?
A rectangle is a shape.
A buttercup is a food.
A buttercup is a food.
Traduções de "Rectangle"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? It is rectangle. It has a sticker on it. When I remove it, it will automatically heat up. I put it on my back or stomach to keep it warm. It makes me comfortable especially in winter.
What is this?
Thank you.
What is this?
Thank you.
I would call it a hot pack.
You might see other names too though: heating patch, heat pack, body/hand warmer, etc
You might see other names too though: heating patch, heat pack, body/hand warmer, etc
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? rectangle
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Outras perguntas sobre "Rectangle"
Which one is more common "rectangle" or "buttercup"?
rectangle is a shape.
buttercup is a flower
buttercup is a flower
I want get rectangle shape pillow.
I can see in your web site only "45cm × 45cm" square pillow.
Can I get rectangle shape pillow? soa natural?
I can see in your web site only "45cm × 45cm" square pillow.
Can I get rectangle shape pillow? soa natural?
"I can see in your website that there are only 45cm x 45cm square pillows.
When you say "square," does it include "rectangle?"
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Which one is correct?:
1- Take a 'rectangle object' like a brick or book and then ...
2- Take a 'rectangluar object' like a brick or book and then ...
Rectangle vs rectangular ?
1- Take a 'rectangle object' like a brick or book and then ...
2- Take a 'rectangluar object' like a brick or book and then ...
Rectangle vs rectangular ?
A rectangle with a height of 3cm and a width of 2cm has an area of 6㎠. soa natural?
Sounds good.
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