Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Revolt"
O significado de "Revolt" em várias frases e orações
O que significa revolt?
revolt means to feel strong disgust or hatred for someone/something
O que significa revolt?
Rebel. Go against something or someone.
O que significa ‘If you tried that, you’d have a revolt on your hands.’?
The speaker is saying, that the actions of the person would make everyone mad at him in a violent manner. A revolt is like a violent protest. In European history, think of the French Revolution.
O que significa revolt ?
To rebel, break away, fight back, because you're disgusted by something or disagree
O que significa revolt over?
Revolt over is when for example people protest against something or when something works agains you.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Revolt"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com revolt.
-If Trump wins the election, there could be a revolt.
-That’s so unfair! I’d revolt if I were you.
-Eww, that food is revolting.
-That dirty dog smells revolting.
-That’s so unfair! I’d revolt if I were you.
-Eww, that food is revolting.
-That dirty dog smells revolting.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com revolt.
@thetrees thank you 😊
Me mostre frases de exemplo com revolting .
You're revolting.
This food is revolting.
That smell is revolting.
That is absolutely revolting.
This food is revolting.
That smell is revolting.
That is absolutely revolting.
Palavras similares a "Revolt" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre revolt e uprising e riot ?
All three can mean people taking action to protest against injustice, but a “riot” can also mean a violent event with no specific purpose.
It’s difficult to explain, though 😓 They’re really almost interchangeable
It’s difficult to explain, though 😓 They’re really almost interchangeable
Qual é a diferença entre revolting e disgusting ?
'revolting' is stronger than 'disgusting'. So you might say "That food is disgusting." But if you really hated the food, then you might say "That food is revolting."
Qual é a diferença entre revolt e strike ?
Strike usually means where workers walk outside of the job to protest for higher wages or better work conditions. Revolt means a conflict with more violence and blood.
Qual é a diferença entre revolt e rebellion ?
There are no differences. They basically have the same meaning
Qual é a diferença entre revolt e rebellion e mutiny ?
Rebellion = organized
Revolt = is usually spur the moment/spontaneous
Mutiny = the result of a criminal conspiracy (usually having to do with members of the military/a ship's crew members)
Revolt = is usually spur the moment/spontaneous
Mutiny = the result of a criminal conspiracy (usually having to do with members of the military/a ship's crew members)
Outras perguntas sobre "Revolt"
A revolt occurred in Woo Han, China.
A revolt broke out in Woo Han, China.
Are both correct?
A revolt broke out in Woo Han, China.
Are both correct?
Both are correct.
The revolt was crashed within months.
soa natural?
soa natural?
The revolt was crushed within months
the revolt was nipped in the bud by the army soa natural?
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