Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Rioter"
Palavras similares a "Rioter" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre rioter e rebel ?
Rioter means someone who specifically participated in a riot, a group carrying out violence and destruction.
A rebel is anyone who seriously challenges authority, whether with actions or words. They can be violent or non-violent.
The rioters smashed the bank windows.
The rioters torched many cars.
The rebels have had to flee the police.
The rebel peasants won’t pay taxes.
A rebel is anyone who seriously challenges authority, whether with actions or words. They can be violent or non-violent.
The rioters smashed the bank windows.
The rioters torched many cars.
The rebels have had to flee the police.
The rebel peasants won’t pay taxes.
Outras perguntas sobre "Rioter"
I heard that the rioter for anti-raicisms broke the satue of Colomus.
Well, they should leave the US and might well return to Europa and Africa. soa natural?
Well, they should leave the US and might well return to Europa and Africa. soa natural?
I heard that the riots for anti-racism broke the statue of Columbus
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