Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Solar"
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Solar"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com solar.
"Solar" refers to that of the Sun.
"Solar energy" is the energy from the sun.
"Solar power" is how the solar energy is used.
"Solar panels" are the panels on people's houses that absorbs the Sun's energy and gives you electricity.
"Solar energy" is the energy from the sun.
"Solar power" is how the solar energy is used.
"Solar panels" are the panels on people's houses that absorbs the Sun's energy and gives you electricity.
Traduções de "Solar"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? solar
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? protección solar
Solar protection.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? energía solar
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Outras perguntas sobre "Solar"
Solar energy can be used to heating water in a solar heat collector consisting of a folded piece of piping in a frame under grass.
Is this sentence natural??
Is this sentence natural??
Just a little unnatural. It should be;
Solar energy can be used for heating water in a solar heat collector consisting of a folded piece of piping in a frame under glass.
Solar energy can be used for heating water in a solar heat collector consisting of a folded piece of piping in a frame under glass.
solar first twenty five soa natural?
“first twenty-five” makes sense, but I’m not sure what “solar” means
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar solar.
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Solar power does not produce CO2 and hence does not cause global warming. We should switch from fossil fuels to solar power to protect our planet. soa natural?
Very minor corrections:
.... switch from *using* fossil fuels to solar power *in order to* protect our planet
.... switch from *using* fossil fuels to solar power *in order to* protect our planet
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