Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Specialize"
O significado de "Specialize" em várias frases e orações
O que significa specialize ?
To be good at something. Usually a detailed area.
e.g. I am a doctor. I specialize in surgery.
e.g. I am a doctor. I specialize in surgery.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Specialize"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com specialize.
• “I specialise in modern history.”
• “Maybe you should talk to someone who specialises in that.”
• “Maybe you should talk to someone who specialises in that.”
Me mostre frases de exemplo com specialize in .
"I specialized in computers sciences" "He is highly specialized in computers" "this restaurant is specialized in pasta" " He was an attorney specialized in making money"
Palavras similares a "Specialize" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre I'm specialized in that e I specialized in that ?
how about I specialize in something
Qual é a diferença entre specialize in e major in ?
To major in a topic means to take classes in college that will result in the topic appearing on the diploma. To specialize is a more general word which means the classes towards a topic which is not written on the diploma.
For example, in college I majored in earth sciences by attending classes in the Earth Sciences department. My Diploma says "University of Michigan, B.S. Earth Sciences". I specialized in petroleum geology by taking classes applicable to the oil industry. Nowhere on my diploma does it say "Petroleum Geology" so I tell employers I specialized in it and what classes I attended.
Outside of colleges, the word major is never used for this meaning as there are no diplomas.
For example, in college I majored in earth sciences by attending classes in the Earth Sciences department. My Diploma says "University of Michigan, B.S. Earth Sciences". I specialized in petroleum geology by taking classes applicable to the oil industry. Nowhere on my diploma does it say "Petroleum Geology" so I tell employers I specialized in it and what classes I attended.
Outside of colleges, the word major is never used for this meaning as there are no diplomas.
Outras perguntas sobre "Specialize"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar specializes.
its either specializes or specialized
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar specialize.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar specializing.
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