Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Spot"
O significado de "Spot" em várias frases e orações
O que significa Why weren't you fined on the spot??
on the spot = immediately, right when something happened.
Why did they not penalize you with a fine immediately?
Why did they not penalize you with a fine immediately?
O que significa in a bright spot?
A bright spot is a positive thing in an otherwise negative whole.
e.g. The resurgence of nature and clean air due to people staying at home because of coronavirus is a bright spot in these times
e.g. The resurgence of nature and clean air due to people staying at home because of coronavirus is a bright spot in these times
O que significa Why weren't you fined on the spot??
Fined in this case means being directed to pay a sum of money. The person is asking why someone (probably authority) did not make them pay right at that moment.
O que significa we have a spot open.?
It means that they have a job opportunity for you. If a company replies “we have a spot open”, that means they have a job available.
O que significa They're putting me on the spot?
It means they are drawing attention to you. Like if a teacher asked you a question in front of the class and you don’t know the answer
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Spot"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com 'I've got a soft spot for someone'.
I've got a soft spot for Japanese girls with round faces.
I've got a soft spot for fluffy dogs.
A: 'Do you like her?'
B: 'I've definitely got a soft spot for her.'
I've got a soft spot for fluffy dogs.
A: 'Do you like her?'
B: 'I've definitely got a soft spot for her.'
Me mostre frases de exemplo com "it hits the spot".
“Hits the spot” means its really delicious.
I love 순두부! It hits the spot!
Sandwiches always hit the spot for me!
(After eating a good meal) Wow, that hit the spot.
I love 순두부! It hits the spot!
Sandwiches always hit the spot for me!
(After eating a good meal) Wow, that hit the spot.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com spot on .
His impression of Elvis is spot on. (His impression is perfect.)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com spot.
The leopard has many spots.
Chicken pox leaves many spots on the skin.
I have a spot on my shirt from my ink pen.
Can we park in the same spot?
Let’s stop the boat here. This looks like a good spot to fish.
He was put on a tough spot when his girlfriend saw him talking to another girl.
How much do you think it costs to buy a spot during the super bowl half time show?
I wonder where the referee will spot the football.
Chicken pox leaves many spots on the skin.
I have a spot on my shirt from my ink pen.
Can we park in the same spot?
Let’s stop the boat here. This looks like a good spot to fish.
He was put on a tough spot when his girlfriend saw him talking to another girl.
How much do you think it costs to buy a spot during the super bowl half time show?
I wonder where the referee will spot the football.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com on the spot.
He asked me about the party and put me on the spot. I knew he was not invited.
Palavras similares a "Spot" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre We're spotted e We're compromised ?
“We’re spotted” would mean more like: they’ve seen us.
“We’re compromised” would mean: our very security/safety is in jeopardy. We’re in danger!
“We’re compromised” would mean: our very security/safety is in jeopardy. We’re in danger!
Qual é a diferença entre spot e find ?
“To spot” means to physically see something that you couldn’t see before.
“I spotted you coming from a mile away!”
“To find” has many more meanings. It can mean to spot something that was missing. It often means to acquire something, usually something that was lost, but not necessarily. This can be a physical object, or something abstract like love.
“I found a old coin in the garden.”
“I found love in London.”
“I found that exam paper really hard.”
“Lately I find myself struggling to sleep at night.”
“I spotted you coming from a mile away!”
“To find” has many more meanings. It can mean to spot something that was missing. It often means to acquire something, usually something that was lost, but not necessarily. This can be a physical object, or something abstract like love.
“I found a old coin in the garden.”
“I found love in London.”
“I found that exam paper really hard.”
“Lately I find myself struggling to sleep at night.”
Qual é a diferença entre spot e stain ?
Spots can be easily removed, but stains could permanently damage the fabric material.
Qual é a diferença entre spot e note e remark ?
I assume by spot you mean “spotted”? As in noticing something.
E.g: “I spotted something”
Note is similar to spotted. “I noticed something over there.” Or it could be taking notes. Which would mean writing points. Eg: “I took note of the teachers lecture.” Or note as in musical note. Depends on context, really.
Remark means making a comment after someone. E.g:
“Are you free today?”
“Sure” he remarked
Or it could be to refer to mentioning something. “There’s something strange about this object” he remarked.
E.g: “I spotted something”
Note is similar to spotted. “I noticed something over there.” Or it could be taking notes. Which would mean writing points. Eg: “I took note of the teachers lecture.” Or note as in musical note. Depends on context, really.
Remark means making a comment after someone. E.g:
“Are you free today?”
“Sure” he remarked
Or it could be to refer to mentioning something. “There’s something strange about this object” he remarked.
Qual é a diferença entre spot e see ?
With spot there is some difficulty added to it. It's harder to spot something than it is to see something.
For example:
1. "I saw the advertisement on the billboard."
2. "I spotted my mother in the crowded supermarket."
In example 1 it is very easy to see the advertisement. The person didn't have to search for it. In example 2, because the supermarket was crowded it was hard for them to see their mother.
It's a subtle nuance between the two but if you're ever in doubt just use "see". Because "see" can be used for anything, but "spot" sometimes sounds unnatural.
For example:
3. "I spotted the advertisement on the billboard."
4. "I saw my mother in the crowded supermarket."
Example 3 seems unnatural but example 4 is fine.
For example:
1. "I saw the advertisement on the billboard."
2. "I spotted my mother in the crowded supermarket."
In example 1 it is very easy to see the advertisement. The person didn't have to search for it. In example 2, because the supermarket was crowded it was hard for them to see their mother.
It's a subtle nuance between the two but if you're ever in doubt just use "see". Because "see" can be used for anything, but "spot" sometimes sounds unnatural.
For example:
3. "I spotted the advertisement on the billboard."
4. "I saw my mother in the crowded supermarket."
Example 3 seems unnatural but example 4 is fine.
Traduções de "Spot"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What does "she got a spot at Ms. Porter’s." mean?
hello! sorry for replying so late!
i thought it might be a restaurant but Ms. Porter's seems to be a school :)
so in this context to "get a spot" means she was able to attend the school.
i thought it might be a restaurant but Ms. Porter's seems to be a school :)
so in this context to "get a spot" means she was able to attend the school.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What is that red spot called on the chin? acne or pimple? What is the difference?
It would be a pimple. The two words are similar, but there is a slight difference. Pimple is usually referred to only red spot (pimple) at a time. Acne is when they are a lot of pimples all over the face.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I just came to this spot in our fridge.
what does "come to" mean in this sentence? :)
what does "come to" mean in this sentence? :)
Came to = they noticed something
It sounds like they are referring to their eyes being drawn to that spot in the fridge.
It sounds like they are referring to their eyes being drawn to that spot in the fridge.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? a spot on people which was when he born, its not kind of illness
"a birthmark"
Outras perguntas sobre "Spot"
This spot is richer in natural beauty than other spots. soa natural?
× This spot is richer in natural beauty than other spots.
✓ This spot is richer in natural beauty than any other [scenic] spot.
Your original sentence is grammatically correct, but I would be more specific if I wanted to sound clear and natural. Some examples:
"This spot near Mount Fuji is richer in natural beauty than any other scenic spot in the world."
"This spot near Mount Fuji has the richest natural beauty in Japan."
"Scenic" is an adjective meaning "providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery." It is commonly used when describing "spots" or "places" of great natural beauty. Hope this helps!
✓ This spot is richer in natural beauty than any other [scenic] spot.
Your original sentence is grammatically correct, but I would be more specific if I wanted to sound clear and natural. Some examples:
"This spot near Mount Fuji is richer in natural beauty than any other scenic spot in the world."
"This spot near Mount Fuji has the richest natural beauty in Japan."
"Scenic" is an adjective meaning "providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery." It is commonly used when describing "spots" or "places" of great natural beauty. Hope this helps!
what else can "Can you spot me?" mean besides "Can you help me lift this?" and "can you lend me some cash?"?
Yes, sorry for the confusion.
Also, "spot" when talking about lifting something is usually only used at the gym, or when someone is bench/chest pressing weights. I don't think I've ever heard it used when talking about lifting something else.
Also, "spot" when talking about lifting something is usually only used at the gym, or when someone is bench/chest pressing weights. I don't think I've ever heard it used when talking about lifting something else.
The spot on my face have increased recently. soa natural?
× The spot on my face have increased recently.
✓ The number of spots on my face recently increased.
Depends what you mean, this specific sentence means that you are getting more and more spots. The other sentence as shown previously means that your one spot has grown bigger.
✓ The number of spots on my face recently increased.
Depends what you mean, this specific sentence means that you are getting more and more spots. The other sentence as shown previously means that your one spot has grown bigger.
recognize it on/in the spot?
go on/in a blind date?
10x alrdy!
go on/in a blind date?
10x alrdy!
On is correct for both.
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar Like your favorite spot in the café..
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