Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Strain"
O significado de "Strain" em várias frases e orações
O que significa strain?
Ah! Ok, so that just means “to filter out”. You can use a sieve to strain/filter out lumps in flour, for example. Does that help?
O que significa the strains of 'Beasts of England' were mixed up?
"Strains" refers to part of a song, and 'Beasts of England' is the name of the song. It just means that parts of 'Beasts of England' could be heard within the noise coming from the farmhouse.
O que significa strain injury?
A strain injury is when a certain part of the body (muscle, tendon, or both) has been injured. (肉離れ)
O que significa to reduce the strain of traffic, two diagonal streets crossed the square grid corner-to-corner.?
The black lines form a square grid. Each unit of the grid is a square.
The orange lines are crossing diagonally from corner to corner.
The orange lines are crossing diagonally from corner to corner.
O que significa strain belief?
I know about (strain credulity/ credibility) which I think the same as strain belief. It means to be almost unbelievable, to challenge credibility as in:
So many people donated money for this cause; it strains belief.
So many people donated money for this cause; it strains belief.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Strain"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com strain.
1) I don’t want to strain my muscles so I’m going to stretch before I exercise. (Here, strain is used as a verb)
2) His disrespect has put a strain on our relationship. (Here, strain is used as a noun)
3) Please strain the noodles to separate them from the water. (Here, strain is used as a verb)
2) His disrespect has put a strain on our relationship. (Here, strain is used as a noun)
3) Please strain the noodles to separate them from the water. (Here, strain is used as a verb)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com a strain of .
A strain of bacteria contaminated the canned soup, causing many people to be hospitalized.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com strain.
It puts a lot of strain on my mom when I get in big trouble.
This word isn't really used a lot so there's not really many instances when someone would use it. People usually say stressed out or something similar instead.
Strain can also mean to like sift through something. A strainer ( strains things. A strainer can also be called a sieve but most people just say strainer.
Hope I helped :)
This word isn't really used a lot so there's not really many instances when someone would use it. People usually say stressed out or something similar instead.
Strain can also mean to like sift through something. A strainer ( strains things. A strainer can also be called a sieve but most people just say strainer.
Hope I helped :)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com strain.
She strained herself, making her muscles sore.
I am straining myself to get the work done.
I am straining myself to get the work done.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com strain to.
yes like you try or you push yourself to do something.
Palavras similares a "Strain" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre strain e Exertion ?
Exertion is the use of effort to do something. Strain is over-exertion. You are over-exerting your capacities, therefore straining your body
Qual é a diferença entre strain e pressure ?
When used figuratively, as is the case here, pressure is more direct, while strain can be long term.
"I was under a lot of pressure from my boss at the time, and so I made a poor decision on that project."
"All the travel, long hours and limited time with my family because of work put a lot of strain on my mental health and my relationships."
When used literally, 'strain' may refer to 'experiencing force over a period of time', while 'pressure' is a specific, 'pushing' type of force.
"I was under a lot of pressure from my boss at the time, and so I made a poor decision on that project."
"All the travel, long hours and limited time with my family because of work put a lot of strain on my mental health and my relationships."
When used literally, 'strain' may refer to 'experiencing force over a period of time', while 'pressure' is a specific, 'pushing' type of force.
Qual é a diferença entre strain e struggle ?
Strain - a force to make a strenuous or unusually great effort.
"I stopped and listened, straining my ears for any sound"
Struggle - to proceed with difficulty “ he is struggling with his homework l
"I stopped and listened, straining my ears for any sound"
Struggle - to proceed with difficulty “ he is struggling with his homework l
Qual é a diferença entre strain e stress ?
Stress - physical or mental tension
Strain - a force that tends to stretch pull something like a muscle
Sometimes they can be interchangeable but sometimes they cannot. It depends on the context.
I typically use strain for physical descriptions or for a relationship. For example, “those stretches really strained my back.” Or “I found out he lied and it put a strain on our relationship.”
I typically use stress as an emotion or for emphasis. For example, “I have an exam coming up and I’m moving soon. I’m so stressed!” Or “I can’t stress this enough, be sure to wear your seatbelt!”
Hope that helps!
Strain - a force that tends to stretch pull something like a muscle
Sometimes they can be interchangeable but sometimes they cannot. It depends on the context.
I typically use strain for physical descriptions or for a relationship. For example, “those stretches really strained my back.” Or “I found out he lied and it put a strain on our relationship.”
I typically use stress as an emotion or for emphasis. For example, “I have an exam coming up and I’m moving soon. I’m so stressed!” Or “I can’t stress this enough, be sure to wear your seatbelt!”
Hope that helps!
Qual é a diferença entre strain e sprain e wrench e twist ?
Looking after her elderly parents has put a lot of strain on her relationship with her husband.
I've strained my muscles!
I've sprained my ankle!
The bolt on the gate was stuck, so I had to wrench it out.
Witnessing the car accident was gut-wrenching!
Twist the cap on the bottle to open it.
I've twisted my ankle!
She twisted my words to make it sound like I was a scumbag.
I've strained my muscles!
I've sprained my ankle!
The bolt on the gate was stuck, so I had to wrench it out.
Witnessing the car accident was gut-wrenching!
Twist the cap on the bottle to open it.
I've twisted my ankle!
She twisted my words to make it sound like I was a scumbag.
Traduções de "Strain"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? strain
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? strain
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 気疲(きづか)れをする=To suffer from nervous strain.
to feel tired , to feel fatigue
Outras perguntas sobre "Strain"
strain my eyes <-> take care of my eyes, rest my eyes, give my eyes a break
Q. Is this right?
Q. Is this right?
I would use "rest my eyes". "Take care of my eyes" is slightly unnatural. I would think that you had to see an eye doctor unless you were specific about how you'll be taking care of your eyes (eye wash, eye mask, eye cream, etc.,). "Give my eyes a break" works!
I have been under great strain of getting a job since I migrated. soa natural?
× I have been under great strain of getting a job since I migrated.
✓ I have been under great stress about getting a job since I migrated.
1. I have been under immense stress over getting a job since I migrated
2. I have been under a lot of stress worrying about getting a job since I migrated
✓ I have been under great stress about getting a job since I migrated.
1. I have been under immense stress over getting a job since I migrated
2. I have been under a lot of stress worrying about getting a job since I migrated
What does "audible strain" in this context mean?
>【ENG Sub】Kanata Explains Why Her Voice Died【Hololive】
A: did she ratcheted mic sensitivity to get it on the regular volume level?
B: What do you mean lmao
A: well, usually people can't talk at the normal volume if their voice was lost
and she had no audible strain (to go loud) in the record, but there was more echo
B: I mean maybe she did that, but you can kinda hear points where it sounds slightly more like her stream voice
>【ENG Sub】Kanata Explains Why Her Voice Died【Hololive】
A: did she ratcheted mic sensitivity to get it on the regular volume level?
B: What do you mean lmao
A: well, usually people can't talk at the normal volume if their voice was lost
and she had no audible strain (to go loud) in the record, but there was more echo
B: I mean maybe she did that, but you can kinda hear points where it sounds slightly more like her stream voice
When someone squeezes their vocal chords to talk louder, you can hear it in their voice.
She didn't have that quality in her voice at all (or if she did you couldn't hear it).
Side note: When you force your muscles to lift something that is really heavy, we can use "strain" as a verb and say you "strain your muscles/strain your arms" to lift it.
"Strain" is a noun here, so I guess you could translate it as 「聞いて取れるような力み」
She didn't have that quality in her voice at all (or if she did you couldn't hear it).
Side note: When you force your muscles to lift something that is really heavy, we can use "strain" as a verb and say you "strain your muscles/strain your arms" to lift it.
"Strain" is a noun here, so I guess you could translate it as 「聞いて取れるような力み」
What does strains of pomp and circumstance mean?Thanks!
"Strains" refers to "musical strains," that is, the Music or tune of a song. "Pomp and Circumstance" is a musical number usually played at graduations.
recently i am watching the strain and i noticed an actress who named ruta gedmintas(hecker dutch) = = i think her accent same as lena headey (game of thrones cersei lannister) and i checked information … i found one from bermuda ,the other from england … and i confuzed even i know england colonized bermuda many years ago but it doesn't make any sense . i want to know native speaker will have the same feel just like me about the accent… or i am wrong that their accents are diffierent…thanks plz answer me .i am really interested !!
Lena Headey was born in Bermuda, but her parents are from Yorkshire, England. They moved back to England when Lena was very young, so she developed a British accent.
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