Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Tomoya"
Outras perguntas sobre "Tomoya"
I'm Tomoya.
My hobby is go out and programming.
I love undertale.
I the goal is make video games. soa natural?
My hobby is go out and programming.
I love undertale.
I the goal is make video games. soa natural?
× My hobby is go out and programming.
✓ My hobbies are programming and going out.
× I love undertale.
✓ I love Undertale.
× I the goal is make video games.
✓ My goal is to make video games.
✓ My hobbies are programming and going out.
× I love undertale.
✓ I love Undertale.
× I the goal is make video games.
✓ My goal is to make video games.
I’m Tomoya. I was born and grew up in Tokyo. I’m currently a university student. In my free time, I watch YouTube or sports like baseball or soccer, or drive to some place near home and walk there.
If there is unnatural point, please tell me.
If there is unnatural point, please tell me.
Very clear. Here's a suggestion for the last sentence:
- "I watch YouTube and sports like baseball or soccer, or I drive someplace near home to take a walk."
- "I watch YouTube and sports like baseball or soccer, or I drive someplace near home to take a walk."
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar I love you, Tomoya.
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