Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Turtle"
O significado de "Turtle" em várias frases e orações
O que significa The Turtle” why the turtle?
vomited the universe out whole” how the turtle could vomit out the universe?
the quality of imagination made the food very reach” I don’t get it 🥺
it’s teeth rent flesh gone stiff”?
vomited the universe out whole” how the turtle could vomit out the universe?
the quality of imagination made the food very reach” I don’t get it 🥺
it’s teeth rent flesh gone stiff”?
Turtle may be random, but many Native American/Indigenous peoples of North America have origin stories that include the land being on the back of a turtle.
The vomiting out the universe is part of the origin story. The turtle was the first thing, and everything else came from it.
It’s teeth rent flesh gone stiff - tore meat from dead animals
Gulph is alternate spelling of gulf, which means a wide open space, usually ocean between land.
The vomiting out the universe is part of the origin story. The turtle was the first thing, and everything else came from it.
It’s teeth rent flesh gone stiff - tore meat from dead animals
Gulph is alternate spelling of gulf, which means a wide open space, usually ocean between land.
O que significa you must be careful around ''snapping'' turtles because they bite?
Snapping turtles are a type of turtle that exist in fresh-water ecosystems that have long necks and strong jaws. They often “snap” at humans who might be swimming and they get their name from their strong “snap” or bite.
O que significa just a turtle?
その番組のシーンからだろう。 見いだすために見なくちゃと思う。
O que significa turtle?
Tortuga marina, Tortuga de mar. We use the word "tortoise" for the land dwelling creature.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Turtle"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com turtle
turtle is animal 🐢 right :-)
"of his turtle neck"
"There are close to 270 turtle species"
"You walk like a turtle"
"of his turtle neck"
"There are close to 270 turtle species"
"You walk like a turtle"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com turtle.
she walked as slow as a turtle
ella camina tan despacio como una tortuga
ella camina tan despacio como una tortuga
Palavras similares a "Turtle" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre turtle e tortoise ?
Turtles live in the sea. Tortoises on land.
Qual é a diferença entre turtle e tortoise e terrapin ?
Turtles mostly live in the sea or the ocean. (saltwater) They only come to land to lay eggs.
Tortoises live on dry land. They aren't good swimmers, but they will go to water sometimes to clean and drink.
Terrapins are found by ponds and lakes. (freshwater) They swim often but also spend a lot of time on land enjoying the sun and digging holes.
However, in US English, we tend to call all of these "turtles" in everyday conversation. Some people may understand the difference between turtles and tortoises, but most people don't know the word "terrapin."
Tortoises live on dry land. They aren't good swimmers, but they will go to water sometimes to clean and drink.
Terrapins are found by ponds and lakes. (freshwater) They swim often but also spend a lot of time on land enjoying the sun and digging holes.
However, in US English, we tend to call all of these "turtles" in everyday conversation. Some people may understand the difference between turtles and tortoises, but most people don't know the word "terrapin."
Qual é a diferença entre I was a turtle in a past life. e I was a turtle in my past life. ?
"in my past life" implies you only had one past life, whereas "in a past life" suggests you might have had one or more past lives and you were a turtle in one of them
Qual é a diferença entre turtle e tortoise ?
They are different species.
The large turtle lives in the sea and lays eggs on the beach.
The small tortoise lives in grassy areas and is kept as a pet.
The large turtle lives in the sea and lays eggs on the beach.
The small tortoise lives in grassy areas and is kept as a pet.
Qual é a diferença entre turtle e tortoise ?
Turtle live in the water and are smaller
Tortoise live on land and are bigger
These are two different kinds/species of animals, even natives confuse them though so no worries
Tortoise live on land and are bigger
These are two different kinds/species of animals, even natives confuse them though so no worries
Traduções de "Turtle"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I feed two turtles. At first, they were so small and cute. But now the turtle's back is roughly 5cm long.
나는 거북이를 기르고 있어요.처음엔 너무 귀엽고 작았어요. 그런데 지금은 거북이 등길이가 대략5센티가 되었습니다.
저는 feed 와 roughly를 쓰는게 맞는지 모르겠어요.
나는 거북이를 기르고 있어요.처음엔 너무 귀엽고 작았어요. 그런데 지금은 거북이 등길이가 대략5센티가 되었습니다.
저는 feed 와 roughly를 쓰는게 맞는지 모르겠어요.
I'm taking care of a turtle. At first, It was so small and cute. However, the turtle's back is now about 5 centimeters long.
I think it's not feed but raise/take care.
I think it's not feed but raise/take care.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? turtle
i think your tounge is too close to your teeth when you say turtle. you may have better pronounciatoin if you move your tounge back away from your teeth just before the alveolar ridge
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 30 turtles
Bem fácil... quero ver repetir bem rapidinho 😁
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? turtle
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? turtles
Outras perguntas sobre "Turtle"
A turtle is swimming in the pond with its face up. It looks enjoying. soa natural?
"It looks enjoying" Sounds a bit unnatural but could be more natural by becoming
"It looks like it's enjoying itself."
"It looks happy."
The first sentence sounds fine :)
"It looks like it's enjoying itself."
"It looks happy."
The first sentence sounds fine :)
I love Turtle Bay Hotel that is located at north cost of Oahu island in Hawaii. It is peaceful and very green. As the name suggests there are a lot of turtle on its beach. soa natural?
I love -> I love the
at north cost -> on the north coast
Oahu island in Hawaii -> Oahu Island, Hawaii
of turtle on its beach -> of turtles on its beaches
at north cost -> on the north coast
Oahu island in Hawaii -> Oahu Island, Hawaii
of turtle on its beach -> of turtles on its beaches
I hope to my turtles to become ninjas. soa natural?
I hope my turtles become ninjas.
she loves turtle soa natural?
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Soft-shelled turtle is a species of turtle that is often eaten as Japanese traditional food. soa natural?
Say "traditional Japanese food"... it is more natural.
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