Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Tyler"
O significado de "Tyler" em várias frases e orações
O que significa So, Tyler did it? For reals??
"For reals?" é uma tradução possível de "Sério?". Outras formas mais comuns dessa frase são "Really?", "For real?", e "Seriously?".
Além disso, "Seriously?" é ligeiramente diferente de esas formas pois geralmente se diz quando está com raiva e não pode acreditar o que acabou de acontecer. Por exemplo: "I'm really sorry about ruining your dress..." —"Seriously? I just bought it!"
Além disso, "Seriously?" é ligeiramente diferente de esas formas pois geralmente se diz quando está com raiva e não pode acreditar o que acabou de acontecer. Por exemplo: "I'm really sorry about ruining your dress..." —"Seriously? I just bought it!"
O que significa
1)'its' is not correct isn't it? 'his' is correct.
2) The sentence means Tyler solves the societal problem with rational thought, is it right interpretation??
1)'its' is not correct isn't it? 'his' is correct.
2) The sentence means Tyler solves the societal problem with rational thought, is it right interpretation??
This is correct:
For what it's worth, I think Tyler Durden nails the problem of modern-day society on its head.
and that is the right interpretation, good job!😊
For what it's worth, I think Tyler Durden nails the problem of modern-day society on its head.
and that is the right interpretation, good job!😊
O que significa Tyler Ward is one of the top YouTube musicians OUT THERE?
in existence or in this world
Traduções de "Tyler"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Tyler
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Outras perguntas sobre "Tyler"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar How do you say "Tyler Hoechlin" .
Remember Tyler playing fortnight? He was playing against some beasts. And every time he time tried to do something he got simply killed. soa natural?
× Remember Tyler playing fortnight?
✓ Remember when Tyler was playing fortnite?
× He was playing against some beasts.
✓ He was playing against some beasts,
× And every time he time tried to do something he got simply killed.
✓ and every time he tried to do something, he would just get killed.
✓ Remember when Tyler was playing fortnite?
× He was playing against some beasts.
✓ He was playing against some beasts,
× And every time he time tried to do something he got simply killed.
✓ and every time he tried to do something, he would just get killed.
Tyler Joseph prefers red hats and mainly black clothes, while Josh Dun dyes his hair in accordance with each color pattern of the new album; therefore, his hair was red in videos and during concerts. soa natural?
× Tyler Joseph prefers red hats and mainly black clothes, while Josh Dun dyes his hair in accordance with each color pattern of the new album; therefore, his hair was red in videos and during concerts.
✓ Tyler Joseph prefers red hats and mainly black clothes, while Josh Dun dyes his hair to match the color palette of each new album. That's why his hair was red in videos and concerts.
More natural and succinct.
✓ Tyler Joseph prefers red hats and mainly black clothes, while Josh Dun dyes his hair to match the color palette of each new album. That's why his hair was red in videos and concerts.
More natural and succinct.
I want to watch “Extraction (Tyler Rake)” which is a action thriller film by Netflix on the 4th. soa natural?
× I want to watch “Extraction (Tyler Rake)” which is a action thriller film by Netflix on the 4th.
✓ I want to watch “Extraction (Tyler Rake),” which is a action thriller film by Netflix, on the 4th.
✓ I want to watch “Extraction (Tyler Rake),” which is a action thriller film by Netflix, on the 4th.
-What's up, Tyler? Are you at home? soa natural?
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