Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Watchdog"
O significado de "Watchdog" em várias frases e orações
O que significa what does " watchdog" means in vietnamese?
I'm sorry...I'm a beginner in Vietnamese. Hope this is helpful.
Một được giữ để bảo vệ tài sản tư nhân.
a dog kept to guard private property.
Duy trì sự giám sát (một người, hoạt động hoặc tình huống) để đảm bảo họ làm đúng
Maintain supervision (a person, activity, or situation) to ensure they do the right thing
ai đó hoặc điều gì đó cảnh báo người khác về nguy hiểm
someone or something that warns others of danger
Một được giữ để bảo vệ tài sản tư nhân.
a dog kept to guard private property.
Duy trì sự giám sát (một người, hoạt động hoặc tình huống) để đảm bảo họ làm đúng
Maintain supervision (a person, activity, or situation) to ensure they do the right thing
ai đó hoặc điều gì đó cảnh báo người khác về nguy hiểm
someone or something that warns others of danger
O que significa watchdog?
A watchdog is a dog that is trained to watch a place, like someone’s house. They start barking if there is an intruder or sometimes are trained to attack. It is similar to a guard dog.
we use “watchdog” as an expression sometimes to mean someone who is on high alert for anything strange or suspicious.
I hope that helps!
we use “watchdog” as an expression sometimes to mean someone who is on high alert for anything strange or suspicious.
I hope that helps!
O que significa a watchdog?
it depends on the context. it can be a dog who guards a house or a business. Or, it can be a person, or an organization that closely monitors the rules & laws of the government, and will alert people to unfair laws being changed, and even file lawsuits in Federal courts to prevent the government, or other corporation from doing something that is bad for the public, or the environment, or both.
Traduções de "Watchdog"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? watchdog
@gguozhou:watchdog means your alert a security or entourage that has you back 24 hr watch
Outras perguntas sobre "Watchdog"
室外犬 watchdogs, a guard dogs
室内犬 inside dogs
飼い猫 inside cats
Am I right?
室内犬 inside dogs
飼い猫 inside cats
Am I right?
I would say-
pet dog
pet cat or house cat
I don't know why we don't say "house dog" but we don't! :)
pet dog
pet cat or house cat
I don't know why we don't say "house dog" but we don't! :)
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