Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Worrier"
Traduções de "Worrier"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 📌 is it natural ?
I'm a big worrier.
I'm a big worrier.
They’re both commonly used!
“I’m a big worrier” and “I worry a lot” are used a lot @callmeJenny
“I’m a big worrier” and “I worry a lot” are used a lot @callmeJenny
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? no worriers about you
thank you
Outras perguntas sobre "Worrier"
I am a worrier. So, I often spend too much time on checking a completed task. Which makes it harder for me to have free time. However, it gives me a good reputation for being responsible. soa natural?
× So, I often spend too much time on checking a completed task.
✓ So, I often spend too much time checking a completed task.
× However, it gives me a good reputation for being responsible.
✓ Although, it does give me a good reputation for being responsible.
✓ So, I often spend too much time checking a completed task.
× However, it gives me a good reputation for being responsible.
✓ Although, it does give me a good reputation for being responsible.
I am a worrier. So, I often spend too much time on completed tasks. Which makes me harder to have a free time. However, it leads me a good reputation for a high responsibility. soa natural?
× So, I often spend too much time on completed tasks.
✓ So, I often spend too much time on tasks that need to be completed,
× Which makes me harder to have a free time.
✓ which makes it harder for me to have free time.
× However, it leads me a good reputation for a high responsibility.
✓ However, it gives me a good reputation for being responsible.
✓ So, I often spend too much time on tasks that need to be completed,
× Which makes me harder to have a free time.
✓ which makes it harder for me to have free time.
× However, it leads me a good reputation for a high responsibility.
✓ However, it gives me a good reputation for being responsible.
She is such a worrier. She is always fussing over a little thing. soa natural?
Maybe instead of saying she is always fussing over a little thing try she is always fussing over the little/small things
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